Imagine #10: For Denise

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You lay on your bed. The window blows in cool warm air and the bright white curtains waved with the breeze.

You got up and put on your robe and stood out on the balcony, staring at the clear sky and your big beautiful beach backyard. The ocean waves swished a foam white and crystal blue, and the powder white sand.

You deeply inhaled and you felt strong arms around your waist.

You jump.

"Sorry baby." He says.

You smile.

He kisses your neck.

"What are we doing today Denise?" He asks spinning you around.

"I don't know. What do you wanna do?" You ask.

"I was thinking we make breakfast, then we swim, order lunch, and go out to dinner." He says smiling.

"Sounds magical." You smile.

"In gonna go take a shower baby. Tell me if you need anything." He says walking to the bathroom.

You shook your head and waited until the shower water went on and Diggy started singing and rapping in the shower.

You counted down.

3, 2, 1...

"DIGGY! COME HERE NOW!" You scream.

He ran out with his towel in his hand, dripping in water.

You looked him up and down and smiled.

"What?" He yelled.

"Nothing. Just wanted to say hey." You smile.

"Perv." He laughed going back in the bathroom.

You went and showered downstairs, then sat waiting in the living room.

Diggy jogged down the stairs with just sweats.

"Lose your shirt?" You laugh.

"I thought I wouldn't need it. It's pretty hot outside." He said smirking and flexing his arms.

You get up and run your hands up and down his arms.

He got goosebumps. You look up at him. You lower him to the couch and kiss him. He lays back and you take off your shirt and lay on his chest.

"Babe." You say into his shoulder.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I'm bored." You say.

He picks you up and runs out on the beach.

"Diggy! Stop! What are you doing?" You laugh screaming.

He tosses you in the water.

You come up and catch your breath, then laugh. He's gone.

"Diggy? Diggy!" You yell.

You felt something grab your ankle. He pulled you under.

You looked around and saw him swim toward you.

He kissed you then you both came up for air, panting.

"Still bored?" He laughed.

"If you wanted to swim, I could have at least put on my bathing suit." You laugh.

"You're half way there. Just take off your pants." He smirked.

You pull off your shorts and tossed them on the sand.

You dove under and Diggy grabbed you and tugged you up.

You caught your breath then he splashed you with the water. You splashed him back until it became a fierce splash battle.

Once you two were exaughsted and the sun started to set, you went in for dinner and a movie. AKA, pizza and Identity Theif.

The perfect end to the perfect day with the perfect man.

Diggy Simmons ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum