Imagine #11: For Leah

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You are the cheer captain for the chearleading squad, and your totally crushing on the captain of the football team, Diggy. You're hoping that he asks you to homecoming this Saturday because:
1. You're obsessed with him, obviously. and
2.There's only one day left for him to ask!

You walk in on Friday morning looking extra cute in a Hollister dress, white Converse, and a big white matching bow with light makeup.

You walk in and go to get your binders from your locker and you see him.

He walks down the hall high-fiving teammates. He stops and huddles with them and it makes me nervous, so you turn into your locker.

Oh my god. Could this be the moment? Oh my gosh.

You fix your bow and see him walk past you.

You smile and he smiled back and walked off.

You went through the first three periods scared to death and praying in the short 3 hours left of school he'll ask you.

You go to lunch and your friends all gab away, but you aren't in the mood for gossip or fashion magazines today.

So you just poke at your salad, sip your water, and fix your lip gloss, waiting.

Suddenly everyone went silent.

You looked around. Your heart started to race.

You saw Diggy stand up and take off his varsity jacket.

Girls whistled and cheered and he laughed.

He draped it over his arm and started slowly walking. And every step was a step closer to you. You couldn't hear the silence or his footsteps over the sound of your heart blaring out of your ears.

He stopped. Right in front of YOU.

He grabbed my hand and sat next to you.

"Y/N, would you do me the huge honor, of going to Homecoming with me tomorrow evening?" He asked.

You squeaked and hugged him.

"Yes!" You cry.

Everyone cheered and his teammates chanted "Diggy! Diggy! Diggy!"

"I thought you'd never ask." You laughed.

"I was afraid you'd say no!" He laughed nervously.

"I can't wait for tomorrow night, to see how gorgeous you look." he said grabbing your chin and kissing your cheek.

He got up.

"I'll see you tomorrow night, love." He said walking back.

You and your friends all look at each other, mouth a gape, then we all start squealing.

"I knew it would happen..." You say to yourself.

You smile.

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