Chapter 1

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It was no secret that Akashi Seijuro was a difficult man to please; the biggest challenge was keeping him entertained. Anytime boredom set in Akashi would just move on. Whether it be his business investments, the town or city he called home or even his romantic relationships. Boredom was like a kiss of death and you can be sure that if you were the one to cause Akashi's boredom, he would leave you without even giving you one final glance as he walked away. Due to the fact that he quickly lost interest in various things, it came as quite a shock to everyone when he announced that he was going to move to Shirakawa; a tiny, extremely isolated village in the Gifu prefecture which was well know for it's large farm houses and vast amounts of snow in the winter.

"Remind me again why you want to move to a town that has a population of less then 1800?" Midorima, Akashi's close friend and personal assistant, asked as they passed the now entering Shirakawa sign.

"Change of pace." Akashi replied. "I thought it might be interesting to live somewhere with room to breath. I find the city quite stifling as of late."

"With how quickly you become bored, I predict you won't last a week here." Midorima said as he adjusted his glasses. "I certainly won't rush to unpack my suitcase."

"Is that a challenge Shintarou?" Akashi asked. "If so then we both already know the outcome. I never lose." The two then sat in silence until Akashi spotted a restaurant up ahead. The red head told the driver to drop them off so that they could have breakfast as well as to bring there luggage to the house he was renting. They would call him once they were finished.

"You really want to eat here?" Midorima asked. The bespectacled man was always weary of restaurants he had never been to before.

"Yes. The house staff I've hired won't be here until the evening and I'm not sure either of us should try our hand at cooking." Akashi said as he opened the door and the two of them took their seats at the counter. The restaurant was simple. There was a counter section in the middle and booths all along the walls. If Akashi had to describe it in one word it would be quaint. There was nothing particularly special about it; at least upon Akashi's first inspection. However something caught his eye and Akashi found himself very glad he had chosen to eat here.

In the far corner booth next to the window sat at boy who couldn't have been more than 17 or 18 with cerulean eyes and hair to match. It wasn't his appearance that caught Akashi's eye though; in fact quite the opposite. The red head had impeccable observational skills and yet the bluenette had somehow eluded Akashi's sight the first time he glanced around the restaurant. This should have been impossible for two reasons. One Akashi was absolute so nothing got past him; and two the boy was sitting there building a house out of the waffles on his plate. How could Akashi have missed something so absurd? Akashi watched as a tall blonde waiter walked over to the boy's booth and poured hot tea into the bluenette's mug; the red head listened to their brief conversation.

"You got your ear pierced." The boy said.

"Yup, cool huh? Makes me look like one of those Tokyo fashion models doesn't it." The blonde said excitedly.

"It suits you." The boy said. Akashi watched as the blonde ruffled the bluenette's hair and how once the blonde had walked away the boy fixed his hair before returning to his waffle house.

"Fascinating." Akashi said quietly.

"The menu looks pretty ordinary to me." Midorima said.

"Not the menu. The far corner booth next to the window." Akashi said. Midorima glanced in the direction Akashi had mentioned, however he also had to do a double take because he hadn't noticed the boy at first either. It shouldn't have been difficult to notice someone cutting and stacking their waffles into the shape of a small house. Especially when they had poured some of their hot tea into a small dish and placed it inside to create the illusion of smoke coming from the chimney; or using the fresh fruit to make a delicate flower garden that went around the left side of the edible structure.

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