Chapter 5

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Another day, another plan to get Kuroko to talk to him. Akashi was very confident about today's plan and it's chances for success. The red head had managed to get in contact with a family friend who had puppies that they were hopng to find homes for. Akashi said that if he was given the puppies he would personally make sure each one found a home. Since this family friend was far to busy to oversee puppy adoption themselves they happily agreed.

So here Akashi was with 6 puppies all in need of a home. Why puppies you may ask? Well in past conversations with a certain bluenette Akashi learned that Kuroko had a fondness for dogs. The red head hoped that the puppies would entice Kuroko into having a conversation with him. Just as Akashi was finished setting everything up for today's plan, a grey car pulled up next to the puppy pen. The red head was a little surprised to see that the driver and passengers of the car were Kuroko's father and brothers. Akashi recognized Daiki from their recent incounter and took an educated guess as to who the other passengers were.

"Hello gentlemen." Akashi said politely.

"Cut the shit." Said the brother Akashi had spoken to before.

"Diaki there is no need to be rude." Said the older man, who Akashi guessed was Kuroko's father. "Puppies today huh. Very cleaver, Tetsuya is very fond of dogs."

"Am I correct in assuming you know who I am?" Akashi asked keeping himself on gaurd.

"Yes I'm familiar with what you've been up too. It is a small town and people talk afterall." Kuroko's father said while the brothers tries to intimidate Akashi with their cold glares. It had no effect of course; Akashi Seijuurou was not intimidated by anyone. "When you have finished your little game today, come by the house. I'd like to have a word with you."


The plan had been another success and after Kuroko had left, Akashi made his way to their home. When he got there Kuroko's father was sitting out on the front porch waiting for him.

"I'd like you to follow me for a minute. However, please make sure to keep quiet." Kuroko's father said as the two of them went into the house. They went through the front door and down the hall towards the living room. Before they got too close Kuroko's father put his arm out to keep the red head going further. He motioned for the red head to look but not draw attention to himself.

When the red head looked at what the older man was pointing to he was stunned. Kuroko was standing on a small step stool working on painting a mural on the living room wall. It was the most beautiful painting Akashi had ever seen. It was a dramatic sunset with deep reds and golds over the ocean. The details in the sky and the water were so outstanding Akashi could have mistaken it for the real thing had he not been aware it was artwork. But the thing that had Akashi truly impressed was how focused the bluenette was. It was almost as if the world around him didn't even exist anymore. Akashi was sure that even if a marching band had marched through the living room the bluenette wouldn't have even noticed. Akashi would have been content to watch him paint but he felt a hand on his shoulder which brought him back to reality.
Akash followed Kuroko's father back outside to the front porch.

"He's talented isn't he?" Kuroko's father said.

"Incredibly so. I'm curious as to why you wanted me to see him painting though." Akashi said. He then watched as the older man grabbed what looked to be a photo ablum.

"We had to have that wall repaired after one of the fights between Diaki and Taiga had. It needed to be repainted, I was going to let Tetsuya paint it but then the accident happened. When Tetsuya was well enough to come home I let him paint a mural on the wall but since his memory didn't allow him to remember that had painted in the first place so every night the boys and I have to cover it up." Kuroko's father explained. "This album had photographs of all of his previous paintings. I want you to look at them and tell me what you notice."

Akashi opend the ablum to the first photo. It was a beautiful painting, very simple in design, very light pastel colors. The lines weren't nearly as clean and well done as the painting Akashi had just seen Kuroko painting in person. Every picture Akashi looked at got better in quality and showed Kuroko's well practiced talented. Then Akashi froze as his eyes locked on then next picture. It was different then anything Kuroko painted previously. A huge red rose with a golden butterfly. It was passionate and intimidating.

"He painted that one the first day the two of you had breakfast together." Kuroko's father said. And as Akashi looked through the rest of the album he noticed that on all of the days he and Kuroko had talked Kuroko's paintings were filled with red and gold the same shade of of his hair and left eye. On days they had full conversations the paintings were ao detailed. On days when Akashi's plans had failed the paintings were abstract. On the days where they didn't meet the paintings had no clear focus, almost as if Kuroko had no inspiration before he started or he knew something was missing but wasn't sure exactly what it was.

"Does he remember me?" Akashi asked.

"I don't think he remembers you specificly. The doctor's have told us his memory will never return to the way it was. But I think he remembers the idea of you. On days he meets you it's like he can't paint fast enough and then his paintings come alive. On days he doesn't see you it's almost painful to watch him sit in front of the blank wall trying to decide what to paint and when he's finished he isn't as pleased with his work."

"I'm still not clear on the purpose of you of telling me this."

"I know a few people, mainly my older son's, have told you to keep your distance from Tetsuya. Personally I don't see an issue with it. You seem dedicated to having Tetsuya being a part of your life so I'm not afraid of you hurting him. That was never my concern." Kuroko's father explained. "My concern is for you young man. I know how hard it is to watch Tetsuya wake up every morning with no memory of the previous day, however, he still knows who we are. You are a stranger to him and every morning that's what you will be. That is going to be hard on you. You can say it won't, but it will. I won't stop you from persuing my son. I just want you to be aware that you are seting yourself up to get hurt."

"That is a risk I'm willing to take." Akashi said.

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