Chapter 4

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"Tough shit. If you know what's good for you, you'll stay away from that diner."


Akashi had a good feeling about today dispite the threat from Kuroko's older brother a few days ago. The red head had spent a significant amount of time putting together a few new ways to get Kuroko to have conversations with him, and was particularly confident about today's plan. Akashi enterd the main living space of the house he and Midorima were renting, catching the attention of the bespectacled man who had been sitting in the arm chair next to the window.

"What on earth are you wearing?" Midorima asked as he looked up from the book he was reading, before closing it and placing it on the window ledge. The red head was dressed in a pair of faded jeans that were torn in the knees, a khaki jacket that was a peculiar shade of green; somewhere between olive and forest, a tan t-shirt with floral print similar to what you would expect to see as apolstry on old Victorian furniture, fingerless black gloves and to top it all off, a fedora hat with a feather on the side. Midorima knew that Akashi had excellent taste in clothing and was always very well dressed but now the red head stood before him wearing the strangest and most out of character outfit Midorima had ever seen him in.

"It's interesting, isn't It? I went to the local thrift shop yesterday. I think it was the least amout amount of money I've ever spent on an outfit." Akashi said.

"Clearly." Midorima said with a scoff. "You look ridiculous."

"The man with bunny ears on his head because Oha Ahsa says they are his lucky item has no right to say I look ridiculous." Akashi said causing Midorima to roll his eyes in response.

"Also I'm dressed this way because in order for today's plan to work I have to look the part." The red head said as he grabbed his violin case from its resting place on the mantle of fire place.

"I know I'm going to regret asking, but what plan?" Midorima asked.

"My plan to get to know more about Tetsuya." Akashi explained. "I plan to play my violin on the street corner like a street preformer. My outfit is to give the impression I'm just a common man trying to earn a little extra money."

"No matter how hard you try you could never pass as 'common'. Also weren't you threatened to stay away from that boy just a few days ago?" Midorima asked with a sigh. Midorima knew that Akashi was just asking for trouble by continuing his pursuit of the bluenette.

"Technically he said if I know what's good for me I'll stay away from that diner. For all I know he could have been trying to protect me from food poisoning." Akashi said with a smirk as he headed out the door.


Akashi had found the perfect location for is plan to take place. It was about halfway between the diner and the few shops the red head knew that Kuroko visited while waiting for one of his older brothers to pick him up and take him home. The more difficult part of the plan would be the timing. Akashi knew he had to play long enough to draw in a crowd because that would aid in gaining the bluenettes attention. The crowd had to be large enough to gain attention but small enough that Kuroko could easily make his way close enough to Akashi that they could make eye contact and have a conversation after the red head was done playing.

After removing the violin, the red head placed the empty case on the ground in front of him to that the eventual crowd could leave money in it if they wanted to. Although Akashi could care less about the money since a) he had more than enough money of his own and b) that wasn't his true goal in the first place. It was mearly a prop in his one man show and now that the stage had been set; Akashi began to play.

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