Chapter 2

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My puppy at 5 months old

Chapter 2

Iris's pov

I woke up with a small weight on my chest. I opened my eye to see Anubis sleeping soundly on top of me. The greasy haired man and Dudley were talking over tea in chairs. I stood up and resisted the urge to empty my stomach. Anubis jumped to the ground, having been woken up rather rudely. I walked behind the greasy haired man and took the uneaten biscuit from him. I sat next to Dudley on the couch and quietly nibbled on it. "Are you hurt?" "No." "Are you sure? You've been out for three days and your injuries were pretty bad." "I stopped feeling pain long ago." I stood up and walked to the door. "Dudley. Let's go." Dudley got up and walked over to me. "Iris, this man has already gathered our stuff. He's taking us to a place called the Leaky Cauldron to get dinner. Please go. For me?" I looked into his puppy eyes, which held no effect on me. "Fine, and i thought I told you that puppy eyes had no effect on me." "You did. Now let's go." Dudley led me back to the man who was looking at Anubis's pacing figure. "Professor Snape, we're ready." "Okay. Reducio." He pointed his wand at Anubis and my baby shrunk down to the size of a kitten. "Anubis, come." He ran to me and I placed him on my shoulders. "Take my hands." We did so and my stomach lurched. " We appeared in a grungy inn, that felt oddly welcoming. "Tom, give us number five." "Alrigh' Severus." He sat us down at a table near the back. "Children, I have something I would like to discuss with the two of you." "I glanced at Dudley and he just signaled me to listen. "I would like to blood adopt the two of you. Those muggles will try anything to get rid of your magic, to the point of killing you. I don't want that to happen. Will you become my children?" I looked at Dudley, then back to Severus. "What's blood adoption?" My tone was cold, but had confusion and curiosity in it. "I would put my blood into two viles and mix your blood in one and Dudley's in the other. Then you would drink from the vile that hold your own blood with my own. Your body would adjust itself to where you look like my daughter. The same with you Dudley. You would look like my son. You two would become siblings." "Okay. When is the appointment?" "Tomorrow, before you leave for the Hogwarts Express." I nodded my head and looked at the food that was placed in front of me.

" I nodded my head and looked at the food that was placed in front of me

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I ate it in silence. I stood up and excused myself. I walked into Diagon Ally and made my way to Flourish and Botts. I scrolled through the shelves when I heard the obnoxious voice from yesterday. "So Loony, care to pay for my books?" "I'm not paying for your stuff." "Why not Loony?" "Because your a pompous, arrogant airhead who would never treat a book with care." "You little bitch!" He was about to strike her, but I stepped in the way. His fist collided with my cheek. I didn't move an inch. It didn't hurt as much as he expected it to, but there was a slight sting coming from under my eye. I then noticed he was wearing a pair of mortal brass knuckles. I looked him dead in the eye with a dangerous look. "Leave. Or die." I stated slowly. He looked like he shit himself as he ran out of the store. I turned to the girl. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a faraway looked in her eyes. "Hello, I'm Luna Lovegood. You are?" "Iris. Why was he calling you Loony?" "My Dad runs the Quibbler, and most people call me Loony Lovegood. Are you okay?" "Yes, why do you ask?" "You have a small gash under your eye." "Anubis." My panther appeared on my shoulder and started licking the wound. The stinging went away. "Good boy." "You have a Grimm for a familiar?" "Yes. Is that a problem?" "No, it is surprising. No one has been able to bond with a Grimm. How long have you had the baby?" "A day." I set Anubis on the ground and made him turn back to normal. "Oh, he's an adult. That's wonderful. What school do you attend?" "I guess Hogwarts." "You guess?" "I mean I got a letter three days ago saying that I was allowed to come to Hogwarts with Dudley. Tomorrow we will be blood adopted by a man called Severus." "You must mean Severus Snape. He is the potions teacher. He is a bit prickly on the surface, but there is a honorable man underneath the scowl. I have to go. See you in school, Iris." She ran to a man I presumed to be her father. I picked up a book that said, "Potion Guide". I paid for it and started reading it as I walked through the alley. I walked back to the Cauldron and left back to...father's house. I made myself comfortable in a room.

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