Chapter 5

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Iris's pov
I woke up in a room different from the library. I got out of the bad and saw Father sleeping on the couch. I frowned, the sight not sitting right in my mind. "Wingardium Leviosa." I levitated Father to the bed and pulled the comforter over him. I moved the hair from his face. "He'll be hungry when he wakes up." I walked to the middle of the room. "Sibby." The sweet House Elf appeared right in front of me. "What cans Sibby be doing for Miss Iris?" "Would it be alright if you brought two breakfast plates up here?" "Why two Miss Iris?" "The other is for Father." I gestured toward the bed." "Of course. Sibby would be most honored to be doing a splendid task for Miss Iris." She apparated away. I walked toward the table, setting it up nicely for our first Father-Daughter breakfast together. As a final touch to the table, I conjured a vase and filled it with Moly flowers. Father had a stash of them in the potion ingredients for good reason. The were useful for counteracting dark spells and enchantments. Plus, they were pretty to look at. "Sibby has returned with Miss Iris's foods." I took the tray from her. "Thank you Sibby. You may return to your duties." She nodded and apparated away. "Iris?" I started setting up breakfast as father woke up. "Good morning Father. Thank you for fetching me from the library last night." "It was no problem. I actually needed a book from there that you were reading." I remembered the giant tome of healing potion ingredients that I had been reading the night before. "Well we should hurry and eat so we can see who the visiting schools are for the TriWizard Tournament." "Agreed." Father and I ate the delicious spinach frittatas that Sibby made us. "This is delicious. Was the chef a House Elf called Sibby?" "Yes." "Ah that explains it. Sibby is a sweet little elf that preferred making my meals during the summer when I was in school." We hurried to the hall to see everyone looking at us. "Wrong people. Professor Snape, Miss Iris. Please take your seats." My face expression didn't change from collected and not caring, but a faint pink blush covered my cheeks. Father walked up to the teachers table and I sat at the Slytherin table across from Dudley. "So where were you and Dad?" "He slept in and I had an adorable house elf called Sibby made us breakfast. She is so sweet." "Let us welcome our friends from the North, the strapping young men of Durmstrang." The doors opened and I came the lot of people. Look it's Victor Krum." I looked over and saw a young burly man. He seemed to expect the adoration, so when he saw me unimpressed and confused, he seemed to be thinking. Once their idiotic routine was over, Dumbledore stood at his podium. "Now let us welcome the lovely young ladies from Beauxbaton Academy of Magic." The doors opened and in came a bunch of women, who started being stupid and enticing the boys. Dudley didn't seem to be affected. Good, I taught him better than to act like a drooling mutt. "Durmstrang will be roomed with the Slytherin and Gryffindor houses while Beauxbaton will be roomed with Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Now let us enjoy the exotic foods of our visitors." The breakfast foods appeared on the table. I smiled at the familiar French food. I took a small baguette and a small pat of butter. I poured myself a cup of tea and enjoyed a lighter breakfast than what I've had in years. As I finished my tea, Dumbledore made the food disappear. "Now that we have been fed, I would like announce that classes today and tomorrow will be cancelled. Please make our guest feel welcome." Once we were dismissed I bolted for the Quidditch field. I picked up a weird black broom and started flying. The broom was a lot stronger than what I used last time I rode, but it was still relatively easy to control. I kept flying around and soon I was on my back on the broom, about a hundred feet in the air, just watching the cloud pass by. "So peaceful." I let a rare, real smile grace my features at the peaceful atmosphere. "Hey Snape!" My smile went as fast as it came as i heard the Weasley. I turned myself over and flew down to the ground just above the Weasley and pulled up last second. "What do you think your doing on that broom?!" I looked at the broom I was on. "What about it? It's just a normal broom. If it's yours you should've placed it more carefully." "Actually it's my broom." I turned my head to see the same guy some called Victor Krum. "Victor Krum! I tried to get your broom for you, but this heathen won't give it up!" "Heathen?" "Païen?" (Heathen) "Hello Miss?" "None of your concern." "Watch your tongue! Do you even know who you are talking to?!" "Not in the slightest." "Well allow me to introduce myself. I an Victor Krum of the Professional Bulgarian Quidditch Team. You are?" "Iris Lily Snape." "Well would it be alright if I have my broom back?" "How about this. I will let the Snitch go. The first person to catch it gets the broom. The loser has to hang out with Weasley." "Deal." I set the broom down and grabbed the Snitch gloves, the Snitch, and two Nimbus Two Thousands. I walked back out and told him to hold them. "I have to change into more suitable clothes." I walked into the changing room and changed into a pair of skinny jeans, black sneakers, a green and silver turtle neck sweater, and a snake styled scrunchie. I walked back out and put my gloves on. I took the broom. "Mount your brooms." We flew into the air and the Snitch was released. We flew around trying to find it. I saw it right behind Victor's back. I stood on the broom with ease and changed the Snitch. Victor was catching up real quick. I still caught the little bugger with ease. I flew down to the ground and started flying my new broom. I continued cloud watching when Dudley joined me. "How can you lay on a broom and not fall?" "I used my magic. I technically am falling, but at a speed almost impossible to actually tell that I am falling." "Awesome." "Praise me more." "That's awesome. That the genius genes kicking in. What a wonderful sister I have." I made my face look softer. "I got a new broom." "Cool. It's called a Firebolt. It's the newest model so far." "Snape?" Dudley and I looked down and saw a Beauxbaton girl with light brown hair. I flew down. "Bonjour, je suis Iris Snape et voici mon frère Dudley Snape. Que pouvons-nous faire pour vous?" ("Hello, I'm Iris Snape, and this is my brother Dudley Snape. What can we do for you?") "Je cherche la salle de potion du professeur Snape. Pouvez-vous me diriger dans la bonne direction?" ("I am looking for Professor Snape's potion room. Can you point me in the right direction?") "Bien sûr. Allez dans la salle principale et descendez les cages d'escalier jusqu'aux cachots. C'est là que père enseigne." ("Of course. Go to the Main Hall and go down the stair cases to the dungeons. That's where Father teaches.") "Je vous remercie." (Thank you.) "Vous êtes le bienvenu." (Your welcome.) I sent her on her way before stretching my back out. "Iris are you going to tell Dad and your birthday in a week?" "I don't have any care for my birthday. It always falls on Friday the Thirteenth. People people always went out of their way to ruin my birthday before. Why would this time be any different?" Dudley looked away. "Sorry, Dudley. You know how I get. I don't care if you tell him or not, just, so make it a big deal." I mounted the Firebolt and started flying toward the tower. I sat on the roof and continued cloud watching. I watched the people scurry around on campus. "Hey Snape! Gryffindor vs Slytherin in three minutes! Hurry the fuck up!" I flew down and quickly put my Quidditch to on over my previous outfit. I stood in the middle of my team as we flew into the air. "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the First Match this year! Both teams have a new player. Iris Snape as first time Seeker, and Dudley Snape for First Time Keeper! Let's see which sibling comes out victorious!" Dudley and I have this silent rule about us. If one of us beats the other in something, the loser and to pamper the winner with affection. "There it is! The Golden Snitch has been released!" I flew upward a couple hundred feet, before looking down at the stadium. "Draco Malfoy in possession of the quaffle." I looked down and saw the youngest Weasley, Ginny I think her name was, steal the beater stick from George and beat a bludger at Draco. Crabbe and Goyle wouldn't get there fast enough, so I flew in frint of him and blocked the bludger, breaking my arm in the process. "IRIS SNAPE IS HIT! SHE SAVED HER TEAM MATE FROM A BLOODY BLUDGER ENCOUNTER!" I think everyone expected me to call the match. Marcus called a timeout and the team surrounded me. I tore my sleeve off off my Quidditch robes and made a temporary sling. "Iris we have to call the match. You're injured." "No we don't. My injury is of no importance. This match will not be sacrificed because of their blatant cheating. Worry about my arm after we win." Determination shone through my eyes and seemed to pass on to the rest of the team. "Right!" We called time in and flew to our respective positions. "Iris Snape has not called the match! What a courageous girl!" I rolled my eyes and spotted the Snitch. I flew at it. The Gryffindor seeker, Angelina Johnson, followed me. She tried knocking me off my broom. I stood on my broom, occasionally jumping to dodge her hits. "What's this?! Iris Snape stands on her broom and is still able to fly?! Victor Krum better protect his title as the most stylish seeker!" I stretched my arm out in front of me and caught the Snitch. I flew up several hundred feet and showed it off. "IRIS SNAPE HAS CAPTURED THE GOLDEN SNITCH!" I flew over the Slytherin bleachers. I met with Dudley in the air. "Good job Iris!" I accepted the compliment and let him pat my head. "Now let's go changed and get some food. Is your arm alright?" "I don't feel the pain, if that's what you're asking. I food above all else right now." "I think Dad thinks otherwise. Look." I looked down and saw Father pale faced and worry. We flew down and Father practically ran over. "Iris are you okay?" "Yes Father, I'm fine." "Good," he smacked me upside the head, "then why would you something to give me a heart attack?!" "If I let Draco get bloodied, he'd call the match. If I took the blow for him, it would not only fall to my choice to call the match or not, and it showed that the Slytherin team care for one another to a degree and will protect each other. However I can understand your concern, and I apologize for putting myself in harm's way." "Thank you, now let's go to my office to fix your arm. Dudley, you are free to join us to escort Iris back to the Great Hall for lunch." I walked next to Father to his office with Dudley following close behind. "Could you please try to remove your arm from your robes." I carefully lifted my spirits through the top of my shirt and robes. It was swollen, red, and there were several cuts and black and blues. "Okay, I'm going to use essence of dittany for the minor cuts first." He put three drops off dittany on each cut. "Ferula." My arm was bandaged tightly to a splint. "I'll heal your arm completely an hour after lunch. Then I can see if your body responded properly to the dittany. Now off to lunch." "Thank you." Dudley walked with me to the Great Hall. I managed to sit down next to Draco without anyone noticing me. "Iris." Eyes snapped toward me and people started muttering. "Snape!" The two youngest Weasleys stormed toward me. "You cheated! No person can stand on a broom!" "Yeah! I bet your just loving all the attention!" She grabbed a fork and stabbed it into my broken arm. "Ow." I put pressure on the wounded spot to slow the bleeding. "Dudley, I'm going outside. Stay in here and do what you will." I walked outside and ran to the Forbidden Forest. I kept running until I saw a small, yet beautiful clearing.

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