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Athena's POV:

"What's your favorite color?" I asked Marcus as we were sitting in a parked car that's in his backyard "Anything but Orange" Marcus answered and I made an offended face "I love orange" I signed and Marcus shakes his head "No, orange is not a good color" Marcus disagreed "Orange is nice, how can you not like orange" I asked.. then he made a thinking face and then he shrugged his shoulders making me giggle quietly

There was silence but not awkward silence but a comfortable silence. Then Marcus tapped my shoulder to get my attention. When he touched my shoulder I felt heat rush through my body quickly, I look up to look at him again then he signed

"I talked yesterday, not like whisper talk but.. normal talk" My eyes widened "Did the monster come?" I asked concerned "No" He answered making me have a confused face. How can you talk but not have the monster come?! "We were surrounded by the lake which is loud.. so if your by like a loud thing than you can talk as long as you're not as loud as the thing your by" Marcus signed and I'm still confused

"I knew you were going to be like that, so I wanted to take you" Marcus suggested "I mean.. we can go if you want too?" Marcus corrected making me smile at his nervousness "Of course I would go" I responded and Marcus smiled and sighed in relief.

We were getting out of the car but then I whispered a quiet as I can "Marcus" And since there was no noise he heard me and then I walk over to him put my arm around him, so he can hear me better  and he put his arm around my waist

"Do your parents know we're going" I asked and Marcus shook his head "They'll find out eventually" Marcus replies care free and I smile at how confident he is...


We were walking along the train tracks. I was kind of excited to hang out with Marcus, but nervous.. what if it doesn't work

"What do you think will happen if our parents find out" I reminded the care free boy.  "They will probably be really mad and think we got killed" Marcus said and I nodded my head agreeing.

For what seemed like hours we finally made it to the top of the cliff where I heard a huge water fall and I started freaking out but Marcus reassured me.

"Just don't be as loud as the water" Marcus said using his actual voice. I widened my eyes shocked. I loved his voice. "Ok" I signed for the last time. "And also, Orange is the best color" I said reminding him of our argument we had earlier. I pat his shoulder three time and I running around in circles, letting the wind make my hair flow. Marcus started doing the same, we were just having fun...


About 20 minutes have passed and we were just sitting on the edge of the cliff. "So how are you since your brother." I said making  conversation. "Fine, my moms pregnant again so I'm guessing she trying to replace him" Marcus explained, then he added "I feel like my dad thinks it's Regan's he died cause she gave him the plane. But he claimed that he still loves her" He then looked at me "Are you the only child" He asked and I nodded my head "She doesn't want to risk making noise with a baby" I answered. Then Marcus makes wide eyes and stood up "We gotta go" He said kind of panicked making me freak out a little as well "What is it?" I asked knowing something was wrong "The suns coming down" He said and I looked in front of me and saw the sun setting

I stand up quickly and brushed myself of then we started walking a little fast knowing the trouble we would be getting into when we would get home, if we do make it home...

We were walking back to Marcus's house and the sun was already down by the time we had got there. Then we see his dad Lee walking around with a flashlight with a scared look on his face.

Then Lee's flashlight pointed to us and he looked relieved and ran over to us giving us both a huge hug. We hugged him back of course

"Me and your mother were worried sick, where did you guys run of too" He asked us still relieved from finding us.

"We went to the water fall" Marcus answered, then he quickly added "It was my idea, I forced her to come with me" My eyes widened.. he took the blame for me?

"It's doesn't matter, you guys shouldn't have went. At least your safe" Lee said calmly making Marcus and I smile, but the moment ended quickly as there were tiny red dots in the distance making Lee look worried.

He then turned back to us. "Marcus your mother needs your help, Now do exactly what I tell you" Lee said looking straight in his sons eyes. He tells Marcus to start the fireworks because somehow to monster got into the house and we need to distract it by making a noise so it can leave the house.

"You too run we don't have much time" Lee signed one more time, then I feel Marcus grab my hand, and next thing I know we're running as fast as we can to the fire works...

We made it and we were in some kind of farm I think.

"Ok you hold the string and I'll light it, and after we have to run as far as we can" Marcus explained and I nodded my head. I grabbed the string for the fireworks, then I see a flame in my sight going towards the string then it lighted on fire...
Then we heard huge booms and cracking knowing that it was time to go! Not gonna lie I panicked a little bit

Marcus grabbed my hand once again and we ran away. As were running farther I can hear the monster running towards the fireworks...

But little did I know that it was only the beginning to this horrific night...

Thanks for reading queens
Word Count: 1062 words

It's so quiet 🤫 {A Marcus Abbott Story}Where stories live. Discover now