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Athena's POV:
[Sign Language is in bold]
We were running. Running as fast as we could to find a way home. As we kept running we a see a figure walking and as we got closer we realized it was Marcus sister Regan. Marcus charges after he and they tackle each other in a hug. I finally caught up to them.

"What are you two doing out here" Regan asked us after pulling away from the hug with Marcus. "What are you doing out here, your supposed to be with mom" Marcus asked as well. They continued there conversation and I look around having no idea where we were then I care to the realization that. We're lost.

I tapped Marcus shoulder to get his attention, he turned and look at me concerned. "Do you know where we are?" I asked hoping he does but then looks around as well and looked back at, he shook his head.

"Come on, I know where we could go" Regan starts leading us to where ever she wanted to take us.


We were sitting on top of the corn tower, Regan was trying to start a fire so Marcus's dad could find us but, Regan ran out of lighter fluid. "What are we gonna do know" I asked, "We should go look for dad" Regan said "No, it's dangerous, I'm sure dad will find us." Regan doesn't have much phase in her dad I'm guessing

They kept going back and forth, and started walking in circles and look down and Marcus is about to step on the door that leads inside of the levels and levels of corn. I shout to tell Marcus to stop but he fell right through. I put my hand over mouth in order not to scream and in shock, and not mention...

IT WAS REALLY LOUD. Oh my god we're gonna get killed for sure. Regan and I walk over to where Marcus fell and we see him struggling and making noise as he tried not suffocate in the corn. Regan tries to tell him to stop moving but he can't hear her, but thank god he moved because one of the doors fell right where Marcus was he may or may not may have died, possibly.

I look over the edge and see the tall grass moving as if someone's pushing through it to get passed, I instantly knew it was the monster. "We have to help Marcus." I signed to Regan, then I jumped in with no hesitation and landed right next to Marcus with half his body in the corn. "Grab the door" Marcus told me and we both grabbed the door than later Regan jumped in and she tried to grab on to the door that Marcus and I were still struggling to get on, but she kept missing it and she was going deeper and deeper in the corn, she was then submerged in the corn and we couldn't see her.

Marcus and I made it on the door, and was swooshing the corn around trying to find Regan's hand and I guess he found it cause he started tugging at something and to help I pulled Marcus, then I started seeing her arm show, then her head and she was out coughing and I sighed in relief while they had had there brotherly Sister moment.

We were all on the metal door and then we remembered. The monster. We were all quiet looking around hearing the only door left on the hinge swinging back and forth. Is this it. Then behind Regan we see the monster jump through the hole. Then we all scurried and went to hide under the metal door since the monster doesn't have eyes, meaning he can't see us, obviously.

And we stood there as quiet as possible then Marcus and I catch each other's eye and we look at each other and he gave me a light smile. Don't get me wrong it was cute and adorable but, how could he crack a smile during a situation like this, like we can die right now and he's just smiling at me.

I turn my head to see Regan's eyes closed and her eyebrows furrowed as if something was bothering and we heard a huge crash that made us all jump. We look over the metal door and see a huge hole made in the silo and the monster running away out of our sight...


We reunited with Marcus and Regan's dad a few moments later and then we heard the monster near by, so Lee told us to follow him to an abandoned car they had on a hill in case of emergency's and we all hide in the car while looking out to Lee and we see an axe in his hand about swing into the monster but he was to late so the monster clawed his stomach.

In the corner of my eye I see Marcus opening up the car door and yelling, "Dad!" He screamed with fear for his father. I see the monster coming towards so I grab the back of Marcus shirt to pull him back in the car and closes the car door.

Then the glass window in the back shattered next to Regan and Marcus and I slowly lean down the seats of the car as the car shakes around because of the monster on top of it and I was so scared. I started thinking of everyone I loved, my mom, my dad, everyone, then I heard a faint scream that made the car stop shaking and for Marcus and I eyes to go wide knowing exactly who it was screaming. Lee.

When heard the monster leave, Marcus took the car off park and it started driving down the hill, this has to be the worse night of my life. It started out so amazing hanging out with Marcus and getting to talk to him with my actual voice that I've never even heard myself in a while and for all of that to now riding down a hill knowing that someone very important in Marcus's life being ripped and eaten to shreds...


The car was leading us to the farm house where Marcus's mom, Evelyn, was waiting for us.

We head into the basement and Evelyn picks up her baby and it over to Marcus and puts us on baby duty.

So we hide behind a bunch of boxes, looking at the adorable baby in front of us like we're a famil- wait what.

I haven't slept in while so I'm getting a little ahead of myself. Marcus will never date me. He's too hot. A gunshot snapped me out of my thoughts. Marcus tells me the monster is dead. But on the white board it said there were a total of three monsters meaning there was two left then I heard a gun being clocked and I blacked out...

Word Count: 1166 words (not including authors note)

Finally!!! Chapter 3 is out. So as most of us Aqp stans know that the sequel of Aqp will come out March of 2020, also btw, Happy New Year and thank you for 400 reads, anyways, I'm debating if I should wait until A Quiet Place 2 comes out or make up my own continuation of the story??? So let me know in the comments, which one you guys would prefer. Anywhos enough of me writing cause it's almost 3 am and I'm feeling a little crazy and I'm on my third bottle of apple cider, byeeeeee 😘 love y'all.

Also I apologize if there was any word mistakes of grammar problems cause again it's almost 3am...

It's so quiet 🤫 {A Marcus Abbott Story}Where stories live. Discover now