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"What do you think we should name her?!" Calum squealed. He was sitting next to Chelsea, facing her, and her legs were draped across his lap.

She shrugged. "I don't know.. What do you have in mind?"

"I want something, like, unique. Not something like Sarah or Hailey or something like that."

Chelsea thought for a moment. "I like Juno. Like, as in the Ellen Page movie. Or Juno Temple. I think that name is really pretty."

"Maybe. I don't know how I feel about it."

"What about Daisy?"

"That reminds me way too much of Mario Kart, Chelsea."

Chelsea giggled. "I was thinking more along the lines of The Great Gatsby, but okay."

"She was a gold digger in that book! I don't want everyone to associate my daughter with a bitch like that!"

"You've read Gatsby?"

Calum nodded. "I'm not completely terrible. I'm literate. I do actually read and care about things other than sex, you know. I happened to love that book."

"I know.. Just, I don't know what I'm saying. You didn't necessarily strike me as one who would love F. Scott Fitzgerald."

"Well, I do. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is great, too."

Chelsea smiled at the boy warmly. He had more substance to him than what she thought, and she'd be lying if she didn't say she was beginning to feel something for him.

"Anyway," he interrupted the silence and Chelsea's train of thought, "back to baby names."


Calum shook his head. "I don't know. I feel like people would pronounce it wrong, and if I were her, that would piss me off."

"I feel that."

"What about some sort of like.. Greek goddess name? Like Athena or Aphrodite or something?" He suggested.

Chelsea scrunched up her nose. "I hated Greek mythology."

"Are you crazy? That was the coolest shit ever! Hearing about all of the girls Zeus fucked and then him giving birth to Athena from, like, his forehead. That was fucking rad."

"I don't think so."

"Well, okay.."

"What about a name that would typically be associated for boys? Like Riley or Knox or something?"

"Isn't Knox one of Angelina Jolie's kids?"

The girl giggled as she began drawing little circles on her tummy. "Yeah."

"Let's name her after a country!"

"You want to name our daughter The People's Republic of China?"

"No, no. Something cool, like India or Scotland or Britain. Those are cute, right?"

"I don't like it." Chelsea whined.

"We're never gonna come up with a name." Calum groaned.

The sound of the door opening filled the halls, and then Michael's voice was heard. "Chelsea? Are you here?" He called.

"In here!" His younger sister yelled back.

Footsteps drew closer, and in stepped a newly dyed red-haired boy. "Oh, hey, Calum." He greeted as he kicked off his boots and threw himself into a chair. "How'd the appointment go?"

Calum picked up the photos from the sonogram and reached to hand them over to Michael. Michael shuffled through the pile of them before his eyes widened at the last one in the stack.

"This says girl!" He screeched with a grin.

Chelsea nodded. "Yeah. You're getting a niece, Mikey."

"Holy shit, I get to be Uncle Mikey and I get to buy her ice cream and sing her songs and teach her guitar and beat up little boys who think she's the prettiest girl in the world."

"Hey, hey," Calum protested. "The beating up boys is my job. I mean, I'm sure I can share though."

Michael laughed. "We can do it together. I'm sure there will be more than plenty of boys to scare off, Cal."

"If she looks anything like her mother, I think we'll have to enlist an entire army."

Chelsea's face flushed bright red, and the butterflies in her stomach swarmed.

"Have you guys chosen names yet?" Michael asked, switching the direction of the conversation when he saw his sister blushing so violently.

"Nothing sounds good enough to do my little girl justice." Chelsea said.

"What about something like Elsa?"

Chelsea giggled. "I know you're only saying that because you loved Frozen so much. Sorry, Mike, I'm not trying to give my daughter the name of an ice queen."

"Aw, what the fuck? Then you could have a second daughter and name her Anna, and they could rule over a kingdom of Arendelle."

"No, Michael," Calum and Chelsea groaned at the same time.

"How about Claudia?" Calum asked.

Chelsea shook her head. "I don't think I like that, but I do think her name should start with C. Since you and I both have named that start with C. It could be like a family thing."

Calum tried to hide his smile that appeared as he heard Chelsea call them a family. "Fuck, I've got it!" He exclaimed, his face brightening.



Chelsea thought for a moment before grinning. "I honestly love that."

Michael nodded in agreement. "That's really cute. Cordelia. It fits."

"Cordelia Eden Hood," Calum said again. "I like it."

A kick hit the inside of Chelsea's stomach, and she jerked quickly in shock. "Fuck," she whispered.

"Whoa, what?"

Chelsea reached and grabbed Calum's hand and placed it on her belly. He felt the little taps against the skin of his hands, and it was enough to bring him chills. "I think she's giving us her approval on her name," he chuckled.

"Yeah, I think so."


cutesy little update about naming the baby and a little bit of chalum thrown in there :~)

positive -- calum hoodTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon