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"So, Chelsea Clifford, now that we have everything off of our chests, would it be completely far off to ask you to be mine?" Calum asked, slipping his fingers between hers. She smiled up at him.

"Not at all, Calum Hood. I would love to be."

He looked back and forth between the girl's lips and her eyes quickly, before she cupped his face in her hands and pulled him in to kiss her.

It was everything Calum could have ever wanted, and a thousand times more. Although they had kissed in the past (and done a little more), this was different. Neither of the two were drunk, and they both meant every second of that kiss.

"I was supposed to do that," Calum pouted as he pulled away.

"You took too long. I really wanted to kiss you."

"You've kissed me before."

"I was drunk; that was different. Now I get to really kiss you and feel your skin, and I love it." She smiled, before breaking into a giggle. "I feel like we did everything backwards."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, most people, you know, date and then kiss, and then fuck and get married and have a kid. But, we started with the fucking, then the kid, and now we've turned around and started back at the beginning with dating."

"This time around we're gonna skip the kid part, okay?"

"You mean you don't want Delia to have a little baby brother or sister?"

Calum shook his head. "At least not yet. Maybe later."

Chelsea raised an eyebrow. "You'd want to have another kid with me?"

"I told you I loved you, didn't I? I mean that, Chels, I love you. I've never had feelings like this; that make me want to stay the way I have with you. Ideally, we'll get married and stay together for the rest of our lives, and raise our daughter, and then maybe some more. Then we'll have grandkids stay on the weekends. And we could travel the world after we retire and grow old together. I wanna be with you for the rest of my life, Chelsea."

"We aren't getting married, Cal." She said, shaking her head. "Not now."

"I don't mean now. For now, we're gonna focus on raising Cordelia. And school. And whatever else we need."

"Isn't this crazy? I've been your girlfriend for five minutes and we're talking about marriage," Chelsea giggled, causing Calum to do the same.

"I love you so much." He smiled.

"I love you, too," Chelsea replied.

"Damn, it's about time." A voice laughed from the door. Chelsea and Calum found Michael, holding little baby Cordelia in his arms, surrounded by all of their friends. Wendy was obviously holding in a squeal, and she was grasping tightly to Ashton's arm. Luke, surprisingly, didn't look as upset as Chelsea expected. In fact, he was smiling.

"I thought you two would never do that," Michael exclaimed.

"Well, we did." Chelsea grinned. "Now, bring me my daughter."

Michael carried the baby over and placed her in Chelsea's arms, and as soon as he did, a small cry escaped the tiny girl's lips. But, it wasn't a cry of pain, or fear, or hunger, or sadness. It was the most beautiful thing any of them had ever heard. Chelsea scooted over so Calum could squeeze beside her, and the two of them looked down at the baby girl in front of them. Calum wrapped an arm around Chelsea and pulled her closer, allowing her to lay her head on his shoulder.

"She really is beautiful, Chelsea," Luke said, his voice soft. "You guys make a really great family."

Chelsea looked up at him with a warm smile. "Thank you, Luke."

"Babe, we're gonna have to leave. It's kinda late, and Momma is probably waiting up." Wendy said as she headed over to Chelsea and Calum. She kissed Chelsea's hair and rubbed little Cordelia's hand gently. "Ash, Luke, and I will be back over tomorrow, okay? Love you both."

"Hey!" Cal said, acting offended.

"Love you, too, Calum," Wendy joked. Ashton, and even Luke, came over and gave Chelsea hugs before heading out.

"I'm staying the night here with you two." Michael said after the rest left. Chelsea nodded and yawned at the same time. "Get some rest while Corey is sleeping, baby sister. She'll probably wake back up in, like, two hours to eat. And you, too, Cal. If she wakes up, I'll let you know."

The two, as much as they wanted to spend every waking moment with their beautiful baby, nodded in agreement. They could hardly keep their eyes open. Calum took Cordelia from Chelsea and placed her in the baby bed in the hospital room. He and Chels hurried to slip into more comfortable clothes before snuggling back up in the hospital bed. Calum pulled Chelsea close to him and kissed her head gently.

"Goodnight, Chelsea, I love you."

Although her eyes were closed tight, she smiled. "I love you."


this was the last chapter wow!!! baby corey was born and calum and chelsea are together and everything is happy. i might write an epilogue idk but i hope you enjoyed this book as much as i did :-) i love you guys!!!!

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