The Tale of two

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Disclaimer: in this, Ash and Gary are 18 I basically said every gen year I didn't count the new gen coming out because well the new one isn't out yet even, thank you all and please enjoy the story.

Gary's POV

It all started years ago we were young, and you we my best friend, we used to go fishing and you would always catch these small Magikarp, and played together grandpa would make us food, and your dad would always throw his Pokemon out to play with us, and my grandpa would teach us how to treat these magnificent creatures, these were good memories...

Until your dad left.

That's when I noticed you got more distant with me, and this made me sad, I tried to get close but you just pushed everyone away, then again I wasn't the best back, I just left and never talked to you again, when we both turned ten it was weird because we both hated each other, and yet I couldn't help wonder if your still hurt, I know you're probably not you, but still. I watch you on TV still with Umbreon on the couch, now as you and I grow older I can't help but think about you, I really do miss you. I know you will be heading off to the Galar region soon and, then you might finally be the Pokemon master you dreamed of being. If only I was still your rival, but it's fine with me I have always admired your persistence, I'm in  Pallet right now and I think it would be really cool if I got to see you again.

I close my journal, "It looks nice today" I say to myself, and  I start my journey back, I walk down the stairs and go out to where all the animals are being held for their trainers. Umbreon is now by my side, I pet her head. "I wonder when Ash will come home?" then I put my hands in my pockets and Look to the sky, blue with white fluffy clouds and Pidgey flying in the air. I smile, "Today's gonna be a good day, I know it."

Ash's POV

"Look Pikachu, its home, we are finally gonna go home!" Pichachu looks really happy "Pika pii!" he looks really happy to be Back in Kanto. We start running, a few hours later I see a sign that says "this way to Pallet Town" and that's when me and Pikachu started sprinting to the professor's lab, it felt like forever since I was last here. I go up to the door I knock on the door it starts to slowly open, " Hi professors i'm ba-"

"Ash is that you." I froze, this voice was not the professors, I knew who it was.

"Well I didn't expect to see you."

"Its-It's good to see you Ashy-Boy."

"It's go- HEY!" we both start laughing, It was none other than, 'The Great Gary Oak', "how long has it been 5-6 years."

"I think 6, it's really been long has been a long time, you umm wanna go grab a bite and catch up?"

"Only if your fan girls come."  I said teasing him.

"Hey." I laughed, so was Gary he has a great laugh I missed it

Gary's POV

I laughed, so was Ash, he got a great laugh, I have missed it.

We got out of my grandpa's lab and started running, I got out of breath so I started to slow down, that's when ash grabs my hand to help me keep up, he was never brightest, because he then trips and went tumbling down a small hill on the sidewalk, lucky for me I let go of his hand. He gets up wipes himself of a bit, then smiles, "I didn't expect that", I just realized how much different his voice is now its actually more lower and less annoying. we eventually find small cafe in our town, we take our seats "I never realized how many Pokemon you had Ash, till I can back to the lab"

"Yah I love to catch as many Pokemon as I can, they are quite amazing I have to say. oh have I ever told you the story of how I got a Pidgeotto, well it all started when I~" 

"Hey do you remember the time when I found fossilized pokemon poop then you found~           we told stories to one another up until the cafe closed we started walking home together .

"Hey Gary, how did you know I was gonna be home."

"I was actually on vacation right now, we found a bunch of new things in the Galar region."

"I haven't been there yet I'll probably go there next"

"Your gonna love it promise "

"If you say so." We walk to his house

"So you wanna hang out again tomorrow, I would love to talk about all the Pokemon that you have been collecting, I know this great spot." I smile at him.

"Sounds fun, i'll be here."


Ash's POV

 I walk inside my house I haven't even told my mom I was home, i yell, "GUESS WHO'S HOME!" Then I see my mom coming my way, when she sees me she runs toward me with open arms,

 "oh i'm so happy you have returned I was worried about you, you have to tell me everything about Alola" I start telling her about all my adventures, she always seems so glad when I come back, it's probably because my dad was a Pokemon trainer, he left and had never came back.

"Ohh did you know Gary is back in town?"

"Oh I didnt you 2 getting along?"

"Yah we were at the cafe talking about the pass."

"I miss you two coming over to play with your fa-" she got sad "I remember your father giving you two some of his Pokemon to play with." She and I both got a little sad. I miss him, but I know he's not coming back. "Ash I just wanted to say thank you for always giving me the money you earn on your journeys, it really does help me for bills and groceries, your a good kid and I hope you know i'll always be there to love and support you." she smiles and gives me a hug, I hug back.

"I know mom"

Gary's POV

After I dropped Ash off, I  hear, "GUESS WHO'S HOME!" I started chuckling and head towards the lab, I haven't seen grandpa since I left, so I bet he's gonna be working a bit of overtime,thats when I see a note on the fridge, 

i'm gonna be a little late tonight, I notice Ash was at the door good to see you hanging two hanging out again, also If i'm not home by dinner can you make me some food, PLEASE, love you.

Sincerely, Grandpa 

I sigh, and go make him some food, I check the fridge for what supplies we had. we had  supplies to make ramen noodles.  I get out the green onion and  start cutting some , then I add spices to the ramen, next I add the ramen than added some eggs and let them boil with the water, along with some more veggies. Once I was finally done I got a bowl and made some for myself, and left the rest for grandpa. Since i've came to study pokemon I've learned to cook, quite well actually. I take my ramen to my room, Umbreon jumps on my bed  she curls into a ball and starts to fall asleep, I smile and rub her head, she has always been there for me  even when I have been a jerk. I eventually finish and talk out my phone to listen to some music to help me fall asleep. as my eyes shut I can't help but smile for how great today was.

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