Chapter 31

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Dean woke up in the uncomfortable hospital chair with Sam beside him snoring and Castiel crying.

"Cas, baby, what's wrong?" Dean rushed to his side.

"Sherlock just loves John so much and I just...I can't." Castiel choked between sobs.

Dean rolled his eyes and let go of Castiel's hand, "You can't be serious."

Castiel wiped his eyes, "Johnlock is perfect Dean."


Castiel rolled his eyes, continuing to wipe his cheeks, "John and Sherlock."

"Yeah, but what's Johnlock?"

"Wow, I know something you don't. It's my OTP dumbass."

Dean threw his hands to his side, "What's a damn OTP?!"

"One true pairing!" Castiel yelled back.

"That doesn't make any sense! What does it have to do with Johnlock?!"

Castiel threw a straw at him, "Everything."

Dean sat back down, "When are you getting out?"

Castiel played with his hands, "In a couple days. You should go home."

"I'm not leaving." Dean pulled out the newspaper, not interested in it at all.

"Let me rephrase that: Get the fuck out of here before I call security to drag you out."

Dean looked up at Castiel, "So you're kicking me out after making a huge bitch deal about it last night?"

"Yeah, I am. Get out, seriously. Go home and relax."

"Relax when my boyfriend is in pain all alone in a hospital that's a half hour away at the least? Are you going crazy or is it just the meds talking?"

Castiel threw his dirty clothes at Dean, "Go home already."




"Dean Winchester!"

Dean groaned, "Fine." Dean is only agreeing to leave because a brilliant idea popped into his head. He took the clothes Cas threw at him and gave him a kiss goodbye, damn he missed that. Castiel attempted to smack his ass on the way out. Dean turned around at the odd sight.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Castiel waved his hand still trying. "Just turn around and come closer to me."

Dean opened his mouth to ask why but figured he'd get a better answer by obeying. Castiel accomplished his mission and Dean turned around, eyebrows raised.

"What? I can't have a little fun every once in a while?"

"Smacking my ass isn't exactly fun for either of us."

Castiel rolled his eyes, "Hey, it is for me. But I'll give you something a lot more fun when I'm home." Castiel smirked and pulled on Dean's plaid shirt. Winchester got the hint and bent down to accept the kiss.

"Can't wait." Dean turned to walk out the door.

"Wait! Don't jerk off or anything while I'm gone."

Dean nodded, "I don't normally anyway but...okay. Can I ask why?"

"Godda' make it good for me."

Dean chuckled and exited the hospital a lot more easy then his last couple of tries. He sat down beside Charlie who he told to meet him in the Impala. They discussed his plan, Charlie excited.

"Yes, I'm sure Charlie. I've given it a lot of thought."

"You're one million percent sure?"



Such short updates today on my fanfics...geesh. I need more inspiration. Oh whale, off to Twist And Shout so I can cry myself to sleep...again.

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