Chapter 32

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I'll try to make this one longerrr


Charlie and Dean finished their surprisingly hard task. Dean more happy than ever and Charlie asking him a million questions.

"You're damn sure?"

Dean rolled his eyes, "Yea, I'm more sure of it than ever. When are you going to stop asking me?!"

"Did you even plan this out?" Charlie popped her mint gum.

"Um...not completely but I'll figure it out. Quit worrying about me."

Charlie nudged his shoulder making them almost swerve off the road. Dean gave her the what-the-fuck-is-your-problem scowl.

"It's not you I'm worrying about, it's Cassie."

"Well don't worry about him either."

Charlie put her feet on the dash, Dean, for once, didn't bother scolding her for it. "You're-"

"Yes I'm sure!"


Castiel sat in the same room for the past two days with Sam stopping by every once in a while. Gabriel promised to drop by, like that's ever gonna happen. But, he proved Castiel's logic wrong.

"Cassie, what's up?" Gabriel messed with his already messed up hair.

"Well, for the past week I've been sitting in the hospital tied up to a million different machines. I've slept a little, ate nothing, and cried a couple times when I touched it by accident, sometimes not. But ya know, it's all fun."

Gabriel chuckled but straightened up when he realized Castiel is serious, "Then you should eat something, and sleep...and not cry...and not touch it."

"No shit, Sherlock." Castiel took out his phone and found no missed calls or text from Dean, only Charlie.

"I'm serious, Cas. It isn't healthy."

Castiel rolled his eyes, "Says the one that is constantly eating candy."

"Candy isn't bad for you, it's like a miracle taking place in your mouth; and miracles are not bad last I checked."

"I'm surprised you showed."

Gabriel sat in one of the three chairs, "Well, I'd give up all of heaven for my brother. I'm just that awesome."

"I think awesome is a overstatement. What made you change your mind?"

Gabe's mouth separated from his sucker with a pop, "I just made time. Shit, that came out wrong."

"Don't worry about it." Castiel played with his hands again, it's more of a habit now.

Gabriel eyed Castiel, seeing that something is wrong, "Where's Dean?"

"Home...I think."

Gabe didn't like that 'I think' part, "Why isn't he here with you?"

"I made him go home."

Castiel could see his brothers body relax, "Oh, I thought he ran off again."

"He could have, I don't know. He hasn't called me so it's likely. But then again, I did tell him not to call me." Castiel turned down his morphine.

"Why do you do that? It's suppose to help." Gabriel turned the knob and the morphine dose went up. Castiel groaned.

"It feels too good." Once again, Castiel turned it down.

Gabriel gave him a questioning look, "The pain or the feeling better part?"

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