Chapter 38

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Three weeks since Castiel left and Dean is going crazy, literally. Sam threatened to send him to an asylum many times. His drinking has gotten out of hand again and he cusses none stop. Sam wishes that Gabriel would have just shut his mouth.

"You really had to say something? They were perfectly happy! Plus, Cas just got out of a coma a couple hours before! Were you planning on ruining everything?!" Sam and Gabriel were talking just below a whisper so drunk Dean couldn't hear them.

"I had to warn Cassie, they were too attached. Practically one. Dean was gonna make it official."

"So what the hell if he was?! Why would it matter to you?!"

Gabriel sighed, obviously irritated, "I was sent to kill them if they don't end it. If they were to be official, Dean and Cas would be..." Gabriel trailed off.

"Would be what?!" Sam was yelling now, but Dean hadn't noticed.

"Dean, with as far as he is being a demon, would become a blood thirsty demon. Crowley knows how powerful Dean is already, so making him a blood 'junkie' would just make him more powerful if he drinks angel blood."

"Cas isn't an angel."

Gabriel shifted awkwardly, "Yeah, well, he forgot to tell you guys that. While we were fighting I kinda shoved it back down him."

"Why?! You know he hates it!"

"Heaven needs him, he's the best we got! Or at least when he is an angel."

Sam rolled his eyes, "So, heaven can find a new puppet."

"Sam, you know how it is-"

"Doesn't mean I care! My brother is now a drunk! Because of you and heaven! Aren't Angels suppose to be good?!"

Gabriel nodded, "Yes, but we are not always nice. Things have to be done-"

"Shit doesn't have to be done Gabriel, especially when people are happy. Like Dean, who's never actually happy unless Cas is there."

"I know you love your brother and I love mine-"

"You don't love your brother! You were outside punching him from what Dean told me and you shoved his Grace back down him! Be a good brother and screw heavens rules!"

"Sam! I can't just do that!"

Sammy huffed, "Then why can we be together? Why can we get married but they can't? I'm as much of a freak as Dean."


"You're going against the rules for us but not them. For once, stop thinking about yourself and give a shit about your brother and my brother."

Gabriel threw his fist on the table, he's mad since he only ever does it when really pissed.

"I am bending the rules enough as it is!"

"What's it gonna do to you if you bend it more?!"

"Dean and Crowley could take over heaven! The Angels would fall, heaven would crumple, millions would die. The earth would be a grave for anyone who stands in their way!"

Sam tried his hardest not to throw punches. "Do you really think my brother would take over heaven? Especially with Crowley?"

"Dean isn't your brother anymore."

"Don't even say that! Dean's Dean, demon or not!"

Gabriel walked away from Sam, "I don't want to fight, Sammy."

"Don't call me that. You're the one who did this so let's fight, throw punches, ditch each other, and become enemies. 'Cause that's what you're begging for."

"Sam, really."

"Fix this. You better fix it or I will shove a damn angel blade through your chest and whatever heart you have. You broke my brother than you are the one to fix this."


Dean kept watching Doctor Who and Sherlock because it reminds him of Cas. These three weeks are hell for him, and he really didn't want hell all over again.

The bunker is rather chilly since its raining outside. You can't hear it enough for it to be annoying, but it's loud enough to be heard. It's pouring, drenching Dean when he took a quick run for some more beer at a local gas stop.

It was quiet when he came back, Sherlock still paused. Dean understands now why Castiel was fan-boying (fangirling? Not sure how to put it) over Johnlock. And crying over Sherlock "dying".

"Are you still watching tv?" Sam asked, pulling Dean's beer bottle from his mouth.

"Yes, reminds me of Cas. Plus, I love Shezza."

Sam sat down beside him, "Sherlock as a junkie is perfect, I do admit. And how John cares so much."

Dean nodded. Sam thought about what Gabriel had said, about him becoming a "blood junkie".

"Have you talked to Crowley recently?" Sam asked, taking a swig of Dean's beer, not noticing he did so.

"No, why?" Dean's words were in a bit of a slur.


Dean kept looking at the show. "Just spit it out Sammy."


Dean heard a knock on the door. He ignored Sam completely and got up to answer it when Gabriel stopped him.

"Hey Dean, what's goin' on? Let's go look at som Busty Asian Beauty's!" Gabriel tried pulling Dean away from the door.

"What? No, that could he Cas."

Gabriel sighed, "Cassie would just walk in. It's probably the pizza I ordered. Go sit and watch some more Sherlock stuff."

"No, it could be Cas."

"It's not, Dean." Dean's eyes flicked black.

"It could be Cas." Dean broke free form Gabriel's grip rather easily. He opened the door to find Castiel drenched and tired. Cas looked at Dean surprised when he saw his black eyes. Dean quickly switched them back. He didn't pay any attention to the wet wings connected to Cas' back.

"I'm so sorry baby." Dean hugged Castiel tight. "I'm sorry I'm so stupid."

Castiel only squeezed tighter, "No, it's not your fault. I love you, Dean." Winchester kissed his hair.

"I love you too. I love you so damn much."

Castiel pulled back, "Have you been drinking?"

"A little."

"Dean Winchester."

"Okay, I picked up a drinking problem. You were gone for weeks and I didn't know what else to do."

Gabriel mouthed I told you so. Castiel ignored Dean's breath reeking of alcohol and kissed him hard.

"Damn, I missed you." Castiel muttered against Dean's lips.

"You have no idea what it was like without you."

"Who said I'm staying?"

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