What is this?

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Hope you all enjoy, I shouldn't be up this late because I have to get up at six if I don't want to look like a hobo. :p But you know, whatever.

Ty's POV

I sat with Seto. We had built a sort of makeshift tree hut. It was cosy. Me and Seto spent many nights getting to know each other, and my feelings just grew. Soon enough we were dating. We hunted, and had delicious meals by the fire we had built. I came to love Seto extremely much. He would make flowers bloom out of fire for me, and I would sing songs for him in my warped ender voice. Sometimes if we were lucky, I could sing this into to the world. I would try singing him fairies, and little kittens, and now we had a few who lived with us. One night I lay with him, my head rested on his lap. He was playing with my hair. "I love you Ty." He said quietly. "I love you too." I murmured as I fell into a light sleep.

Sky's POV

I sat on the couch, with Jason. "Hey Sky?" He asked cautiously. "Yeah, Jason?" I said, sitting up. He pushed closer to me. Then our lips met. Eye closed my eyes, and fell into the sweet kiss. His hands were resting on my waist, and he pulled me a little closer. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and we stayed tangled up like that until the door bell rang. "I'll get it." He said. I nodded. "Be quick," I said flirtatiously, and he laughed. He came back with a package of chocolate covered pomegranate fruit. He sat down, and opened it. I opened my mouth, and he placed one on my tongue. It tasted wonderful. He ate one, then pulled me into another kiss. I could taste the chocolate on his lips, and soon enough his tongue. "I love you Jason, will you be my boyfriend?" I asked him. He squealed like einshine in 'So much jump scare' and replies "Of course Sky! I love you too!" We cuddled and kissed for the rest of the night.

I ruined the ships this story is about! Don't hate! *hides in corner* Okay! Okay! I'll fix it! Eventually...

Enderlox: pardon? Eventually?

Me: Pls don't kill me...

(You should get that...)

Anyways, bai guys!

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