Getting help

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Hey endertoasts! How are you guys? I'm really sorry i haven't updated much, it's just that i don't have my tabnlet right now, and other than school, i can't update. Here is another chapter, and by the tutle i am refering to Sky.... or am i?

Sky's POV

The doctor walked into the small room, and sat down on a stool. "So what's the matter Mr... Adam Dahlburg?" "I seem to be going through random emotions that don't even seem to be my own. I'll be sitting happily, watching a movie or something, or cuddling with my boyfriend, and suddenly I'll feel really upset or angry or something. My boyfried suggested that I come, and get help figuring out what's causing it." He nodded and scribbled something down in a small notepad. "I don't think I've had very many cases like this," He started. "Can you at least try?" Interrupted Jason. "But, I do think I know what it is." He finished. I nodded. "And, what do you think it is?" I asked patiently. "I'm sorry to say this to your boyfriend, but this sort of case only appears when the person receiving the emotions has a soul mate that they don't k ow about, and perhaps have never even met before. It is an extremely rare condition called (just making this up guys,) Geminum Anima Syndrome." (That's the actual words for 'twin soul') Jason looks at me with huge eyes. "The symptoms will persist until you've broken up with your boyfriend, and possibly until you meet your soul mate." The doctor said pityingly. His eyes fell on a crestfallen Jason. I took Jason's hand. "Jason I-" he cut me off. "I want you to get better, Sky. So if you won't break up with me.... Sky, I'm breaking up with you. I'm sorry." A tear slipped down his cheek. He opened the door. "I'll be waiting in the car, and I'll drive you home. Unless you want to take the bus?" "Yes, I'll take the bus, thank you Jason." He nodded, ad closes the door. "Would you like me to continue, Mr. Dahlburg?" I nodded. "So other symptoms may be huger pangs, sleeplessness or drowsiness, extreme happiness, muscle spasms and the need to go to the washroom." I looked at my hands clasped in my lap. "Is there any way to cure it? How am I supposes to meet him?" The doctor shook his head. "There is no cure, and as for finding them... Its in your blood, in the very fiber of your soul, to meet. Its nearly impossible for you to not meet them." "So does he feel my emotions too?" He shook head again. "There is only one recipient, and its not really my business, but the recipient is normally the top." He winked. He scribbled something down on his notepad again. "How will I know he's the one?" My voice wavered. I was so sure of Jason. "Butterflies, extreme heat upon contact, minor lust, and both of you guy's eyes will glow upon your first meeting." He jotted that down, then ripped the page off and handed it to me. I've prescribed you some things for the hunger pangs and muscle spasms. Mr. Dahlburg, you are free to go." I thanked him and walked outside. I took a deep breath of the warm air.

Ty's POV

I sulked on the couch, and a sudden growl startled me. I jumped up. But ten I noticed it was just my stomach. I opened the cabinet and grabbed an apple. I picked up the mp3 that Seto had stolen for me as a present. A tear slipped down my cheek, but I put the earphones in and pressed play. "Pleased to meet you, take my hand. There is no way back from hell." I collapsed onto the couch, apple in hand, and cried.

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