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They make their way to the Great Hall. At the door, they face the two brothers. Barry and Adam look in despise to the nine boys and make their way to the Slytherin table, but before they sit down, Dumbledore goes in their direction and makes them accompany him to his office. Seungmin chuckles, but Changbin hits him with his elbow. As they make their way to the respective tables, they look suspicious to the two Slytherin girls. Ella and Alese hurry to eat and get out of there.

The brothers start to follow the Director through the big corridors and passing through the students who were coming from the end of their classes. The suspicious looks followed them wherever they passed. At some point, they notice they're heading to the Headmaster's Office. They already figured that Jeongin had told what happened to Dumbledore.

"Sherblet Lemon." Dumbledore pronounces the password to the Gargoyle of stone who guards the Headmaster's Office and ladders start to rise from the ground to give a path to the Office.

As they enter the office, they are surrounded by books. Standing on Dumbledore's table it's his Phoenix. The firebird looks to the brothers, trying to identify them but with no success. Dumbledore makes a signal with his hand, pointing to the chairs in front of the table so Barry and Adam would sit there. They sat down and looked with attention to their Headmaster.

"So, do you two boys want to tell me something?" Dumbledore questions Barry and Adam.

"No," Barry replies, with no intention to talk further.

"I've known about what you've done to Jeongin." Dumbledore says while sitting in his chair, "Despite the rivalry between all houses, we don't tolerate any violence committed against other students, you will go to the Forbidden Forest at midnight with Hagrid. I don't know what you will be doing, the rest I leave it up to Hagrid."

"Fair enough, anything else?" Barry rushes, trying to avoid that conversation quickly.

"If you wish to go, you can go now." Dumbledore doesn't hold them there.

Barry and Adam make their way to their next class. Still mad because of the detention and Jeongin telling everything to Dumbledore, the brothers start to think of a way to get revenge.

"What are we going to do now?" Adam asks.

"For now, nothing. We need to know how deep is the friendship between the girls and the other ones. Maybe Minho and Felix could help us understand..." Barry replies as he lets out a sarcastic laugh.


The classes continued throughout the day as usual. It was a tiring day for them all and they decided to go take some rest to their respective Common Rooms "and not draw any more attention to us." as Chan said. Minho and Felix were on the sofa, next to the fireplace, talking about how lame classes were. Felix got hungry and went around to see if there was anything he could eat. Minho went with him and found a chocolate bar. 

"Look what I got!" Minho announces.

"Chocolat! Give me!" Felix shouts.

"No! It's mine!" Minho refuses and starts running, as Felix follows him for the chocolate bar.

Felix catches up to Minho and jumps towards him, making him go right to the ground. The chocolate bar jumps out of Minho's hand and Felix quickly catches it and starts eating all happy. Barry and Adam enter the room and face the image of Minho almost dead on the ground and Felix eating a chocolate bar sitting right next to him. Adam starts to laugh but Barry stops him with an elbow to his belly.

"What you guys doing?" Barry asks in a friendly tone.

"Nothing of your concern, Barry," Minho replies, getting up from the ground.

"Come on now Minho, we're trying to redeem ourselves from what we did to Jeongin." Barry tries to calm down Minho.

"You can't-fool me, Barry, you don't regret a word you said to him." Minho talks back, walking slowly towards Barry.

"Why do you even try, Barry?" Adam asks as he draws his wand towards Minho. Felix gets right up quickly and draws his wand, as well as Minho.

"Wow wow, guys, calm down." Barry puts himself in between everyone. "There is no need for anyone to get hurt."

Suddenly, the door of the room opens. Alese comes in and stares at the four guys and notices the drawn wands.

"I can't believe I left for five seconds and you all already trying to kill yourselves." The blonde girl comments.

"This was just a misunderstanding, right guys?" Barry clarifies, as he signals Adam to hide his wand, as this one obeys.

"I see your wand, Adam. What do you both want now?" Alese notices.

"We were trying to be cool, these guys just started acting like douchebags," Adam explains.

"You two can't-fool me! You want something, I know it." Minho insists.

"And that is why you don't have friends outside of your little group of boys, you always think someone wants you bad." Barry comments, as he pats the shoulder of Minho and walks away, "We're going to have dinner, you coming Alese?"

"No, thank you. I don't hang out with stupid kids." Alese dispatches the brothers.

"Wait, but you hang out with th-" Adam was interrupted by Barry that pushed him out of the room.

Alese looks to the boys, as Felix tries to calm down Minho. Shrugs and goes to the girl's dorm. The brothers go to the Great Hall, as they pass through the corridors, they see Ella passing with Jeongin and Jisung. Barry bites his lips to not say a thing, as he sees Ella having fun and laughing at Jeongin, just like she did in the past with him. His heart starts to race, but his pride talks louder. They rush to their table and sit in front of Malfoy. The Prince of Slytherin takes his eyes off of the Daily Prophet to see the figure of the two brothers.

"What do you guys want this time? Don't you have enough problems already?" Malfoy asks.

"You seem to have a bigger problem than ours though." Barry comments.

"And what is that?" Draco pays attention.

"Ella and Alese have been talking some bad things about our group, and they seem to intend leaving us for those nine boys. I tried to talk with Minho and Felix and they tried to attack us, and Alese backed them. You should keep an eye on what they'll do next time they have to choose between us or them." Barry tells, grabbing something to eat.

"Huh... I'll see what I can do. Until then, stop messing with the others, it draws too much attention for us and I hate that." Malfoy asks.

"As you wish. I'm sure you'll know what's best for us." Barry finishes, with a sarcastic smile.

Back at the Slytherin Common Room, Minho and Felix stayed in the sofas. Their bellies start to ask for food again and they decide to go have dinner, but before that, Felix goes upstairs to check on his cat. As he steps on the dorm, he confronts his worst nightmare. The cat's dead on his bed with his throat cut clean. Felix starts to sob as he looks to the cat laying in a stain of the crimson red blood that came from his neck. Looking at the wall, there's a trace of blood leading to the top. At the top, bloodletters were written, forming the phrase "Carry On". The heart of Felix skips a beat.

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