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As the girls approach the Potions classroom, Alese notices the door is open. Snape must be there, it's her chance to ask his "favorite teacher" for some Veritaserum without putting herself in trouble. She opens the door and the Potions teacher looks to the door, facing the two students.

"Miss Alese, Miss Ella, what are you two doing here?" Snape questions the girls.

"We saw you here organizing the Potions and we thought we could help you," Alese replies to Snape.

"Well, thank you, that's rather nice of you." Snape thanks, with a suspicious look.

As the girls start to work, Alese sees a flask with a tag that reads "Veritaserum". She quickly gets her hands on the flask and puts it in her pocket. Right next to that, there was the antidote, which she grabbed to herself too. After all the work, they say goodbye to Snape and leave to go have dinner in the Great Hall. They sit in front of Malfoy, which provoked some suspicious looks in the group since the girls are sitting in the places that belonged to the group, something that didn't happen in some time. The dinner proceeds and when Alese sees Draco talking with the Quidditch team about the next game, she sneaks some drops of the potion in his drink. After dinner, Alese asks Draco to talk with him in private. Distant from the group, they face each other. While that, Ella puts some drops of the antidote in the unfinished drink of the Prince.

"What was your true intentions today when you confronted me and Ella?" Alese asks.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to leave us or if you were still with us," Malfoy replies simply.

"Who's trying to kick us out of the group?" Alese tries to get some more information.

"Barry revealed some worries about your behavior with the group, but I didn't sense any intentions of him wanting to kick you two out, I think he was just mad that Ella doesn't give him any attention since she hangs with Jeongin." Malfoy says what he knows.

"Worries? His worries are with Ella hanging out with another guy that is not him, it has nothing to do with me. He's jealous of them. How does she hanging out with Jeongin compromises our loyalty?" Alese starts raising her tone.

"He wasn't the only one noticing that the two of you have been away. The whole group complains about that. You two were a big part of our group and all of a sudden you stopped talking with us and just hanging around with them. Slytherins don't tolerate anyone who tries to betray them, that is just our nature." Malfoy adds as he looks deeper into Alese's eyes.

"We're not betraying. Felix and Minho are Slytherins too and you know damn well we would never do that. Or at least you should've after so many years or you don't know us at all." Alese gets closer to Malfoy's face, with angry eyes.

"Then don't give us reasons to doubt about you. I've known many people really well and that didn't stop any of them to betray me. Regain the trust of the group and I won't ever have to check your loyalty to the group." Malfoy advises the blonde girl.

"I'm not here to regain anything. If I'm in, I'm in. If you think I need to regain trust, then I should be out." Alese threatens to leave the group.

"You do you. I just gave you a bit of advice, but you don't like when people don't trust you, right? Then I'm sure you'll prove me wrong. Anything else?" Malfoy finishes the subject.

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