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Draco, Alese and Ella were waiting for Jeongin. After a while, they see the wizard running through the corridor on his way to meet them, with a black and yellow scarf. Draco rolls his eyes but gets hit by Alese's elbow. As Jeongin arrives, they make their way to the train that would take them to Hogsmeade. In the wagon, Alese and Malfoy sat together in one side, as Ella and Jeongin sat in the opposite side. Alese and Malfoy started to talk with each other with laughs and everything. Alese was leaning on Malfoy's chest. Ella was quiet, waiting that Jeongin would say something. The boy was waiting the same, which resulted in the two being quiet all the time. They arrived and went to The Three Broomsticks. They sat down at one table, as Alese asked if Jeongin and Ella wanted to drink Butterbeer. They accept and Alese takes Malfoy with him, who started to complain that there were waiters that could take their order. Ella and Jeongin were finally alone, in front of each other. They looked deeply into each other's eyes. The words wanted to explode out of their mouths, but they just couldn't. Finally, Ella finds courage, takes a deep breath, and starts talking.

"How have you been?"

"I've been good. And you?" Jeongin replies.

"Oh. I've been fine as well." Ella replies.

"Glad." The conversation stopped there for a while, "So... You wanted to talk?"

"I guess it's time, don't you think? We have been away since you asked me for distance." Ella points out.

"Yeah..." Jeongin looks to his hands, playing with them, "I was afraid."

"And you still afraid?" Ella looks for a reply.

"To be honest, yes. Aren't you?" Jeongin asks back.

"Why would I?" Ella asks, crossing her arms.

"The looks, the talks... You're a known powerful Slytherin and I'm just a typical Hufflepuff..." Jeongin faces reality and sighs.

"Oh yeah, I'm also the typical Slytherin who doesn't give a damn about the looks or the talks. There's nothing wrong being a Hufflepuff, you are our mates. Me, Alese, Minho and Felix always got your back, what are you afraid of, now?" Ella explains, with a serious tone, almost disapproving the wizard's opinion.

"And you would accept me as a weakling, as you Slytherins call us?" Jeongin asks.

"Yes, Jeongin, I would. Because even if we say you guys are weakling, we still got your back, we like you all." Ella affirms and takes her hand to his right one, "You all say we are scary, mean and probably rip your head off, but if you look at us, that didn't happen, did it? And no, Alese trying to murder Minho or Malfoy doesn't count."

"Hey! They deserve it!" Alese shouts, just showing that she's hearing everything. Ella and Jeongin look to her, as she hides her face, realizing what she has done. They look back to each other.

"What are we now, then?" Jeongin asks, getting closer to Ella's face.

"What would you like us to be?" Ella whispers, looking and desiring Jeongin's lips.

"I want you to be mine." Jeongin says, as she reaches forward and connects his lips with the sweet ones of the Slytherin girl.

"Yes!" Malfoy and Alese celebrate, giving high fives to each other and hugging themselves, caught the attention of Jeongin and Ella again, interrupting their kiss, "Oh. Sorry."

The witch and wizard at the table start laughing and finally call their friends to join them. The four friends stayed there for a while, drinking some Butterbeer and having conversations about Christmas and Hogwarts. All of a sudden, Alese started to feel strange, like she was being watched. She looked around but everything was fine and no one was watching her. She shrugs and continues to interact with her friends. As they plan to get back to Hogwarts, Malfoy asks if they could wait a minute so he could go to the bathroom. The Prince goes to the bathroom, and as he was making his way out, three dark figures get on his path. Dark cloaks were covering the bodies of the unknown persons.

"You won't mess in the Master's affairs no more." An aged and hoarse voice echoed through the division.

"And you needed to have two buddies to tell me that?" Malfoy knew he was in trouble. He draws his wand and waits on a defensive stance.

No one replies the three mysterious persons draw their wands in the direction of the Slytherin leader. They get closer and closer to him, making him back up to the wall, as they were about to swish the wands, an author voice stops them.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Alese comes up behind the cloak protected wizards.

"Huh, Alese Winter, a fine student, and a vicious Slytherin." The middle wizard points out, as his attention was drawn to the young witch, "Guess we drawn too much attention here, we'll go back to the shadows now."

As the middle figure orders this, the three dark cloaks fall on the ground. They were empty all of a sudden, just as if they were controlled by spirits. Malfoy hides his wand back, and Alese goes up to him, worried that the wizard could be hurt.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Alese asks as she checks the arms and the face of the grown wizard.

"Yeah, I'm alright, they are probably here because I'm close to Felix." Malfoy deduces, remembering what he has heard from the middle shadow.

"Draco, this is your last year at Hogwarts, try not to be killed. I really don't wanna save your ass every time." Alese warns the fellow Slytherin.

"I can't, you would miss me." Draco provokes her.

"How sure of that are you?" Alese plays with him too.

"Pretty sure," Draco confirms, going out the bathroom.

They go back to Ella and Jeongin, who get confused with why they just got out of the men bathroom. Malfoy and Alese prefer to hide it and they just go back to Hogwarts. The two blondies were quiet all the way. Ella and Jeongin noticed something wasn't right, but they didn't want to bother them. Getting to the castle, they went to the Great Hall to meet the rest of the boys. While dinner, Minho and Felix were talking about what Minho has been doing with his Invisibility Cloak.

"Who had the idea of giving him that?" Felix asks, looking to Draco and realizing he wasn't alright, "What's wrong?"

"Huh?" Draco notices Felix was talking to him, "Oh, nothing, I'm good."

"Draco, come on." Felix is not buying it, "You said I could talk to you whenever I need to, and that's mutual."

Malfoy looks to Alese, seeking help from the blonde, who signals with the head for Draco to tell the truth to Felix. The Prince sighs, looking into Felix eyes and talks.

"I was attacked by three guys at The Three Broomsticks, guys who claimed to serve the 'master'," Malfoy revealed, and Felix noticed he was talking about Death Eaters and Voldemort.

A feeling of guilt invades the heart of the young wizard. He stood up from his seat, not speaking a word, and goes back to the Slytherin Common Room. Malfoy tried to stop him but Alese told him to let Felix go. The mind of Felix was in complete chaos. He feels guilty about what has been happening to their friends. Resisting his fate will lead to the death of his friends, or so he thinks. There's only one thing on his mind at the moment: Joining the Death Eaters.

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