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Second day of nationals. Where the free skate is going to be held. Its currently 3 in the morning and Im unable to get back to bed. I take my phone from my side table and decided to scroll through social media. Opening instagram, I look at people's days. A thought came into my mind and I searched the name "Yuzuru Hanyu."

I saw many accounts, all of which were fan made. "He doesnt have an account?" I ask myself. I look at the pictures. There were pictures of him when he was young, pictures of him on the ice and some of him in photoshoots. In posts, I see people talking about his programs. This made me curious so I decided to search his name in youtube.

A variety of videos appeared but one caught my eye. "Hope and Legacy - Yuzuru Hanyu" it said. I pressed the video and watched. I couldnt help but think that he was extremely beautiful. His movements were graceful and soft yet on the same time full of power. He was perfect. I was once again caught in his spell. I wonder if I could be as beautiful and graceful as him one day.

I didnt notice that I've been watching too much of his videos until I checked the clock beside me. I then realize that it was now 4:06 am. I run towards the bathroom and immediately take a bath. And get ready for the day.

Now changed, I make my way out of my small apartment. The competition would start at 6 and I still had to get to the venue which was quite far. I passed by a convenience store and bought a few snacks and a drink. Now on my way to the station, I passed by a small flower shop. A thought came to my mind. I then buy 3 bouquets of flowers and a keychain.


I was greeted with a voice yelling, "Shoma!" as I went down the train. It was Sota. "Good morning." I greet and he greets back with a smile. "What's with all those flowers?" He asks as we walk towards the venue of the competition. "For Kazuki and Keiji of course." I answer. "There are three bouquets of flowers, Shoma." He says and gives me a look. "Its for some skater." I reply. "Your skater crush? Rika?" He laughs. "No. Stop that."

It was now 5:21 as we made our way to our seats in the rink. We got the one nearest to the ice once more. By 6, the seats were now full and the competition started. Ladies Free Skate was the first to be held. Kaori Sakamoto taking hold of the gold medal, putting Rika Kihira in second place. "Its alright Shoma. Your crush still gets silver." Sota laughs. "She isnt my crush, Sota."

It was finally the men's turn. A few skaters were first on the ice until it was Kazuki's turn. "Lets go! Kazuki!" He skated clean, making his way to first place. However he got second when Daisuke Takahashi skated. Keiji was just a few points behind Kazuki, making him fourth in place. The standings were maintained. Then most awaited skater makes his way into the ice. Yuzuru Hanyu.

My eyes were fixed on him as he started skating. Caught under his spell once more. The way he skates, beautiful as ever. He was more beautiful when I last saw him. Its like he gets prettier and prettier everyday. I cant help but wonder how such a perfect guy exists.   Ok. Stop this Shoma. You sound like a highschool girl in love.

When he ended his program, the crowd yells again and throws tons of gifts unto the rink. "Wow. Thats alot." Sota chuckles. I take one of the bouquet of flowers and the keychain and throw it to the ice. "You were great." I whisper. It landed near him and he picks it up, along with the keychain. He smiles towards our direction and my heart skips a beat. While the flower girls and boys pick up the other gifts, he bows and exits the rink.

The final results for the mens were, Yuzuru in first, Daisuke in second and Kazuki in third. After the awarding, Sota and I decided to meet Keiji and Kazuki backstage. "Congratulations!" We both say as I hand over the bouquets of flowers to them (the ones I didnt get to throw earlier) "Oh my god Shoma. Is this a confession? I love you too." Kazuki jokes. "It isnt sorry." I laugh. "Thank You for the flowers."

"You know what surprised me?" Sota speaks up. "Was when Shoma had a bouquet for Yuzuru Hanyu." He looks at me. My face grew hot and my heart skips a beat again though I managed to say, "He inspired me, thats all. I like the way he skates." They didnt notice my red face as it was dark. (Thank God for that) "Honestly, he really is a talented skater." Keiji says. "I mean, he beat Daisuke!" Kazuki says. "Though the first time he beat Daisuke, people think that it was a bias."

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Well, people think that he wasnt deserving. And that the gold medal belongs to Daisuke." They reply. "Well. It doesnt matter now. He showed that he truly deserved that gold medal." Keiji speaks up. "Okay. Enough about that! Im starving! Why dont we eat out again?" Says Sota. "We eat together almost everyday. My wallet is going to get empty." I say. "Leave it on us today, Shoma." Says Sota and Kazuki. "Lets go! ~" And once again, we head towards a restaurant.


Hi! THANK YOU FOR 113 READS! Anddd apologies I published this chapter  extremely late. Its because we had two weeks of finals. But yeah, here it is! This chapter was a bit bad? Lol sorry. Im trying to write better and Im slowly making the story progress. Im going through a few things right now, but I will do my best to write and write better. Thank you for your support!

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