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A/N: Hey! Its been awhile. First of all THANK YOU FOR 200 READS ! Im sorry that It took me like 1 month + to publish. Stuff was just going on and I wasnt that motivated. Thank you so much for understanding! So lets go on to the story ~~


"Shoma! Hurry up! You'll get left behind!" I ran towards the bus, bags in hand. "I made it!" I sigh and try to catch my breath. "Did you oversleep again?" One of my teamates chuckle. I chuckle back and made my way to an empty seat. Taking out my phone, I text Itsuki saying that I made it to the bus.

Itsuki: You made it ? www surprising

Be happy for me www

Itsuki: I am www. Oh and Ill be at the match later. A bit late but ill be there.

Thanks. Ill see you then. Buy me a
drink when you get here please.

Itsuki: Okay. Ill get you milk tea.

Sure why not. Thanks.

I plug in my earphones and listened to music. We had an hour before we reach the venue so I decided to close my eyes and take a short nap. "Eh? Sleeping again Shoma? You overlsept already didnt you?" Laughs one of my teamates. I ignore his statement as I still tried to sleep.

I turned on the volume to my music to block out the noises they were making. I thought I was at peace but then a pillow was thrown at me. "Shoma! Truth or Dare come on!" They yell. I took out my earphones and turned off the music. In the end I couldnt win against them so I decided to play the game.

"Okay. You first! Truth or Dare?" They ask Sen. "Truth." He answers. "Okay okay. Is it true that you and Minako are dating?" In the middle of the game, my phone started buzzing so I decided to check it out. It was a text from Sota.

Sota: Goodluck on the match !
☝(^ิω^ิ )☝

Thank You.

Sota: Ill be watching btw.

As I was about to text my response someone says, "Shoma your so busy on your phone. Is it a girlfriend?" Everyone starts wooing and yelling. "Its just Sota." I chuckle. "Shoma! Truth or Dare?" They ask. "Truth." I answer, putting my phone back into my pocket. "Do you like anyone?" I began to pause and ponder. Do I like anyone?

The face of that skater immediately flashes into my mind. Yuzuru Hanyu. My heart skips a beat, but I answer with a straight face. "No one." I answer. "Eh. As expected of Shoma. Sports and Games are your life." They laugh. I thought once more. The feeling that I get everytime I remember him. What is it?

The feeling confuses me. I cant like a guy right? I dont like a guy. I just think that the way he glides on the ice his beautiful. His artistry, the flexibility he shows, its all beautiful. The way he smiles and waves to the crowd. Beautiful. Its just idolization. Right? Its not liking someone. Im just confused thats it.

The game of truth or dare then ended, but we were still minutes away from the venue. So they started another game. This time, I was able to escape. I make my way back to my seat. Putting on my earphones, I blast music and take a short nap.

"Shoma Shoma. Wake up." I open my eyes to see my teamates already leaving the bus and coach shaking me to wake me up. "Were here Shoma." He says. I stand up, stretch and take my things. "Thank you coach." I say as we leave the bus.

We were the first team in the venue, so we used our remaining time to warm up. We form a circle and did our stretching. "Goodluck today everyone!" Yells our football captain as he did his own stretches. "Okay everyone. We trained long and hard for this. Win or lose, let us accept it." Says our coach. "Yes coach!" We yell.

Our first game of the day. We are against Waseda University. It is known as one of the most prestigous schools in Japan. We were told that the students excel in sports too, so our team wasnt letting its guard down today. We position ourselves in the field. I was goal keeper of the first round.

The first few minutes of the game was tension filled. Waseda was ahead by a point but we were able to catch up. There was no clear winner yet in everyone's eyes. "GO WASEDA!" The crowd of students yell. "CHUKYO!" Yells our friends. "Lets Go! Shoma Uno!" I caught sight of Sota cheering along with Kazuki, Keiji, Shoya and my brother Itsuki. "Go Shoma! Go Chukyo!" Seeing my friends cheer for me gave me strength and determination, I couldnt help but smile.

In the end, our team won. We couldnt deny, it was a tough fight. Our team has great stamina, but against Waseda, we were all a panting mess. "Great Job team!" Coach compliments us as our team huddles into a group hug. "We still have a few matches before championships. Everyone, work hard!"

As I made my way towards one of the benches, my friends came running down towards me. "Sho! Great Job!" They say as they take me in their arms. "Thanks for the support guys." I say, smiling. "Everyone, let us pay respects to Waseda and congratulate them." Coach says as he gathers everyone.

As we go into line to shake hands with Waseda, I caugh glimpse of the great skater - Yuzuru Hanyu. He was talking to Keiji and the others. "Hanyu san?" I said. The Waseda member mustve heard me because he answered, "Yes. Yuzuru Hanyu. He is also from Waseda. He's so supportive isnt he?" I nod at him, smile and shake his hand.

"Shoma get your ass over here!" Sota jokes as he brings me over to Keiji who was having a conversation with Yuzuru. "Hanyu san. This is Shoma Uno." Kazuki introduces me to him. He flashes a smile and says, "Hello. Im Yuzuru Hanyu. Its nice to meet you." He extends his hand which I shake. "Its nice to meet you Hanyu san."

"You look pretty familiar. Oh! You were at the Nationals. You gave me a bouquet If I wasnt mistaken. Thank You so much for the support." He says which causes my cheeks to heat up a little. "Why not take a picture with him Shoma? You really enjoyed his skating didnt you?" I timidly nod. "You think so? Thank you so much." Yuzuru says as he pats my head.

The whole time I was silent, internally not knowing how to react. "Why not a photo then?" Yuzuru says as he goes next to me and smiles. Keiji and Itsuki takes a picture. And then Sota and Kazuki came into the picture as well. "Thank You so much Hanyu san! Till next competition!" They wave goodbye. "Thank You! Congratulations on your win Shoma." He smiles and leaves. My heart was beating like crazy as I headed home with Itsuki.

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