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Me Colby Brennen Jake(Taylor) and Billy were out in downtown LA walking to the nearby arcade to play games. Brennen started filming and whisper in to Jakes ear. I was holding Colby's hand when Brennen pulled me away and Jake smacked Colby at his dick. Colby immediately grabbed it and whined in pain. I was able to run to Colby but I was also laughing.
Colby- What the fuck! Why did you do that?
Brennen- For the video brooo
Y/n- Baby are you okay?
Colby- No but let's keep walking
We continued walking keeping distances from Jake Brennen and Billy. Billy runs next to Colby and hits him in the balls. Again Colby whines in pain. I felt bad cause he was in a lot of pain but it was so funny.
Y/n- Come on babe, its okay.
Colby- Babyyyyy it hurtsssss!!
Y/n- Come on my little child keep walking.
We did keep walking and again Brennen came and slapped him the balls. This time Colby fell to the ground crying in pain.
We finally got to the arcade Colby was still holding his 👀👀 and still was in pain. I walked to Colby that was sitting on the bench. I sat next to him.
Y/n- You okay?
Colby- No
I hugged him and he pulled me into his lap laying a kiss on my head. I decided to be a little tease and said...
Y/n- I know what will make it feel better.
I said while smirking.
Colby- Oh really... What is that?
Y/n- Taking a hot shower.
After I said that I got of his lap and started walking away. I thought to myself could life get any better.

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