Bad boy turns to good boy (part 5)

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It's been four years since I last saw Colby. Me and Sam don't talk anymore. I've move on with life I'm a model and a YouTuber. Do I miss Colby? Of course I do! If I had the chance to see him would I? 100%! I actually do miss Colby with all my heart and I feel empty without him.
Time skips 2 months-
Y/n- What's up everyone welcome back or welcome to my channel! Hi hello (it's me Mr poop before I pee, sorry I need help😂) my name is Y/n! Today is going to be a vlog cause why not! I have no challenges to do for my channel. So anyways our first stop is Starbucks and then a photoshoot! I said
Time skips-
Y/n- Okay so I just finished my photoshoot and I need to go to the store cause if you haven't known I just moved into an apartment complex that has a really annoying loud neighbor. He is always yelling and slamming things I don't even know he had red hair (can y'all catch onto this?!) he's really annoying! I said laughing.
I walked into the store clutching onto the cart. I walked up and down the halls grabbing things I need. I reach the women hall an grab things I need as I get to the check out I see someone that looks very familiar. He has the blue eyes Colby had but this one has blue highlights. Why does he look so familiar? After I checked out I went to my Jeep and put things away were the same guy came up to me.
Random guy- Y/n? The guy questioned
Y/n- Yes? I answered
Random guy- I don't know if you remember me but I'm Colby.. He said
I ran into his arms crying.
Y/n- I freaking missed you! God! I said
Colby- I missed you too.... Princess. He said laughing
Y/n- We're did you go on graduation night? I asked.
Colby- How about we go to your apartment and we talk about it. He said
I nodded and went to my apartment which was actually his apartment along with his best friends and surprisingly Sam too!
Time skips-
We were sitting on my couch.
Colby- Okay so the night you were in the hospital and I promised you that I'll get help I wanted to get help almost immediately. And so I did. After I left I signed into a rehab center but for me to get the help I had to leave my family school... You. I had a week before I had to go. So on the last day I went to go see you graduate. And after rehab I went to a therapist and got help for my mental state. And after me and Sam came out here to do YouTube. I'm so sorry for leaving you and I'm still in love with you and you still mean everything to me. He said
Y/n- Colby I love you too. I missed you so much and it was hard not having you around. But I'm scared that you'll go back to your old self. I want you the old you the happy you. I said.
Colby- And I promised you that. And I will be that. He said
Colby- Y/n I want to be there for you now I want to be in your life with you by your side. I want to see you become the girl you dreamed to be. I want to be in your life. He said
Y/n- And I want to be in your life too colbs! I said.
Colby leaned towards me. He grabbed my chin lightly pulling me towards him were he placed his soft lips on mine. It felt like fireworks. The way our lips moved in sync. The way our lips fit perfectly. It felt perfect.
Colby- I love you princess. He said
Y/n- I love you to colbs. I said back
Colby- Y/n will you go on a date with me? I'm so in love with you and I need to be able to call you mine! He said
Y/n- Of course colbs! I love you so much more! I said
Colby- Impossible! He laughed
The rest of the night we cuddled watched movies caught up on things. Talked about our childhood. And from this day forward we have been dating and we are engaged expecting our second child in January after our wedding.
A/n- I'm sooo sorry that this came out very late! I totally forgot I had cheer practice after school and then I forgot I have a huge test tomorrow and needed to study! And I'm really sorry this came out late! I promise this won't happen again I totally forgot today was such a busy day for me! I hope you guys enjoyed this series it wasn't the best series but it was an okay series! I love you all so much and thank you all for the support! 💞😘

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