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Tonight there is a big party. Me, Colby, Sam, and Colby's girlfriend Maddie (random name) are all going. I wore a basic outfit ripped jeans and a black t-shirt with a rose on it. I heard a knock on my door. I jogged to my door to find Sam standing there. "Hello?" I said confused. "Hey!" He said walking in sitting on my counter. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" I asked. "Colby is picking you up and enjoy the ride!" Sam said trying to walk out the door but I slammed it shut. "Excuse me! Colby is picking me up! Shouldn't he be picking up his slut of a girlfriend?" I asked. "Oh come one you know Colby likes you and you like him!" Sam said laughing. "Samuel John Golbach! I'm not going to be in the same car with Colby! BY MYSELF!" I yelled. "Oh calm down!" He said. "He's out front anyways better get a move on it!" He said pushing me out the door grabbing my keys and phone. "Sammm!" I whined. Once we got out front I walked to counts car opening the passenger side door. "You can't sit there." Colby said. "Oh I'm so sorry." I said panicking. "I'm just kidding sit." He said. I sat down them mumbled, "Bitch". "Excuse me!" He said sounding offended. "I'm just kidding I love youuu!" I said laughing. "I love you too idiot." He said laughing. I pretended to be offended. "So how come you didn't pick up Maddie?" I asked playing with the rips on my jeans. "We got into an argument and she decided to have her friend pick her up. It's fine though I love picking up my bestie." He said grabbing my hand. My cheeks flared red. The next few minutes were jokes and laughing. Once we got there we got out of the car and walked into the house. Colby disappeared into the crowd as I found my way to the bar grabbing a beer then walking out into the backyard. I sat at one of the tables and drank my beer while watching people get high and drunk. I then saw Maddie and some guy walk out into the backyard making out. I stuck my tongue into my cheek. I got up throwing my bottle to the floor. I stormed to her. "Look at that, a hoe being a hoe!" I said crossing my arms. "Excuse me?" She asked. "You heard me, or are the sounds of his tongue down your throat blocking it?" I asked. She stayed silent. "She got a boyfriend buddy better beat it before I beat you." I said pointing to the gate by the side of the house. He got up and ran out. "Are you kidding! Why did you have to ruin the moment!" She yelled. "You really want to go there? You have a faithful boyfriend inside that house right now probably worried about where your at! And your out here having a guy shove his tongue down your throat." I yelled Colby saw me then walked out. "You know what your such a little bitch! You disgust me and your annoying! So what I made out with him! I already cheated on Colby many times!" She said laughing. That made my blood boil. I ran up and slapped her across the face. "Oh you mess with the wrong girl!" She yelled. "Come at me hoe!" I yelled back. She went an charged at me but I ducked and kneed her into the stomach. She fell to the ground. She got you and punch me in the jaw that's when Colby ran over and pushed Maddie away. He ran to my side. "Oh my god are you okay?" He asked grabbing my face carefully. "I'm fine colbs, can I go finish her off now?" I asked nasty. "No no no, you are not going to do that I don't want you to get hurt." He said strict then grabbing my waist. I escaped his gripped and went and slapped Maddie one more time. Colby grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. "Maddie were done!" He yelled before dragging me out of the party. We got into his car and I just stared out the window. I'll admit it my jaw was killing me. I touched it and I was bleeding. "God dammit." I said quietly. Colby grabbed my hand. "What happened? Are you okay?" He asked worried. "My jaw is bleeding." I said quietly. "Okay were almost to my place I'll clean you up." He said holding my hand tight. My heart was racing and my head was going crazy. Once we got to Colby's we walked into his apartment. We went into the bathroom where Colby got the first aid kit. He picked me up and placed me on the counter. He spreaded my legs so he could be closer. "I'm going to clean it then put a bandage on it okay?" He said. I nodded and he began cleaning it. "Stop, stop, stop, stop." I said. "It hurts really badly!" I whined. "I'm sorry." He said rubbing my thighs. "Here hold my hand." He said handing his hand out. I grabbed it and he began cleaning again. I closed my eyes tightly. I didn't realize it but tears were falling down my face. "Awe I'm sorry princess." He said wiping the tears away. "W-wait what did you call me?" I asked flabbergasted. "I-uh, I'm sorry." He said stepping away. I jumped off the counter and walked up to him. "Don't be sorry." I said hugged him. "I just love you a lot. I always have I don't know why I chose to date Maddie I thought you would never date me." He said placing his head on top of mine. "I love you too colbs. So much! I've always loved you even before we met just the pictures Sam showed me I fell in love." I said blushing. Colby looked at me and smiled. "Awe she's blushing." He said smiling very wide. "Stop it." I said covering my blushing face. He grabbed my hands and pulled them away. He leaned down and connected our lips. It felt like a dream come true. We pulled apart and we both smiled. "Be mine?" He asked. "Of course." I said kissing his lips before running out or the bathroom. I ran to the couch and sat down. "Uh why did you run away." He asked. "I was blushing again and I didn't want you to see." I said blushing for the millionth time. He sat on the couch then pulled me onto his lap. "Don't hide your beautiful blushing face. It's so cute and seeing you fight someone was really hot." He said smirking. "Oh really?" I asked. "Mhmm." He hummed. I connected our lips.
A/n- And we know what they did! Anyways I'm back! I've finally returned! Better than ever too! I missed you all so much! I hope you liked this imagine! I lerv yer all! 💗

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