chapter 1

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Na(nararator):at HQ,with brody and penny done training.

Speedy:nice job at training today cadets!

Penny:we had a little bit of trouble but it's not like we could handle!
Swift: good job!
B&P:thx swift
Penny:btw where's Rod?
Bea:he went to get some food
Penny:oh!then c'mon guys the last one to the lemon shack eats kelp icer!(sry idk how to spell)
-speedy and bea laugh at the departing cadets-
Penny:i'm first!
Swift:no i'm first!
Rod:what's going on here?*while eating sunflower seeds*
Brody:me ,swift,and penny are having a race and..... Swift and penny got a tie
Rod:as usual
Ronda: *chukles* what can i get you cadets?
Penny:2 kelp iceres and 1 sunflower seed pls!
Brody:wait.. 2?
Penny:yup!1 for you cause you lost
Swift:you know she's just kidding
Penny:chuckles*make that 2 sunflower seeds and 1 kelp icer please Ronda
Ronda:ok coming right up!
Penny: btw guys!
Penny: tomorrow my cousin is coming
Three of them:oh ok
Penny:chukles*......there will also be a suprise too
Rod:what is it?
Penny:you'll see
Na: da next day.......
~to be continued~

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