chapter 9

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-a few minutes later-
Swift:How am i gonna get out without waking her up ?
Bea:hey swift!
Swift:huh?bea what are you doing here?
Speedy:hey,i'm here to!
Swift:what are you guys doing here?
Bea: checking on your girl
Speedy:giggles*relax she was just kidding
Brody:so can you get out of the bed now?
Swift:umm nope
Bea:let's just wake pen-
Swift:oh no not again
Speedy:what's wrong?
Penny:*tears come out*hugs tighter again..*
Swift:ow, this
Bea:oh then let's just wake her up
Swift:probably the best thing, i should have done that earlier
Rod:why didn't you wake her up earlier?
Swift:i dunno she was having a nightmare......but how do we wake her up?
Brody:ice bucket?
Swift:that won't work she's a penguin
Speedy:hot water instead?
Rod:well that's new
Swift:dosen't that hurt penguins.....?
Bea :i don't think so
Brody:primo!let's try it then
Rod:let's cookle-doodle-do this!
Swift:just don't spill it on me please
Bea:haha we'll try
Speedy:i got the hot water!*pours it carefully*
Swift:my ears....
Penny:huh?oh uh sorry swift
Swift:it's fine
Rod:heya penny your finally awake
Penny: huh?! Rod?*sits*and the others what are you guys doing here?
Bea:we were trying to wake you up
Swift:yup they i can finally sit or get up
Penny:you can do that while i was still asleep........right?
Brody:nope he couldn't
Penny :why?
Speedy:because you were uh hugging him
Penny:*blushes* i was?!
Swift:y-yes you were penny
Penny:oh*scratches head* sorry....
Swift :it's ok but..... Are we still gonna train now?
-to be continued-

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