chapter 14

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-after they defeated the attackers-
Luna: wanna go to our house for a few minutes?
Penny:i am so in
-with the other cadets-
Brody:where is swift and penny??????
Speedy:we have to find them.
Rod: their watches?
Bea:already tried but got no trace!
Brody:oh god what do we do this is not primo at all!!!!!
Rod:your right ,not cool!
Bea:oh no what should we do?
Speedy:check every single part of the hq!
Bea:we already did but they aren't here!and their vehicles are still here!
-at the other dimension-
Penny:thanks for inviting us to your house!
Swift:bye luna and lucas!
Lucas bye!
Swift and penny:*tps to sleeping quarters*
Penny:huh? The lights are on!
Swift:they must already woken up and.....
Penny:they must be looking for us.
Speedy:*enters sleeping quarter*
Swift:oh uh hi speedy
Speedy:their here guys!
Bea:where?!*enters*what how???
Brody:wut i already checked here?
Swift:we uhhh
Penny:hided from you guys as a prank
Rod:oh!so that explains you 2
Penny:*nervous laughter*uh yea
Bea: oh k?
Speedy:*notices necklaces*umm penny?swift?
Speedy: when did you 2 have necklaces?
Penny:oh somewhere~
Brody: tell us dude!
Bea:looks like we can't force you oh well let's jus-
-at control room-
Bea:ronda!what's wrong?
Ronda:it's not much of an emergency but can the cadets help me?it's buzy here
Bea:so todays mission is helping ronda
Speedy:and you've done this before right?
Rod:yup ane this rime it will be easy lets cockle-doodle do this!
Cadets:time to earn our wings!
-to be continued-

swift x penny :the other dimensionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora