chapter 7

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-at sleeping quarters at 1:00am-
Na:penny and swift was awoken by a bright light in front of them.
Swift:*yawns*what is this bright light?
-they both got teleported to the island of gods and animals-
Swift:huh!?penny where are we?
Penny:huh!? I think we're at the island of gods and animals.....?
????:why hello there chosen ones
Penny:ummm who are you?
????:oh! Looks like i forgot to introduce my self well i'm princess luna and he is prince lucas.
Swift:...wait aren't you guys from the story?
Princess luna:yes we are
Penny:so what do you want to teach us?
Swift:yeah thw unknown voice told us you guys would teach us? Something....
Prince lucas:yea we do but we need both of you to transform first.
Penny and swift:what? How
Luna:just think of something that you love or some thing that makes you angry
Penny:ok we'll try
-after transforming-
Penny:*gasped*eeeeeeek i love it
Swift:wow*blushes when he looked at penny*......
Penny: wow look at yours to they're amazing
Swift:t-thanks penny
Luna:well time to learn
-after 2hours of learning-
Swift: i did it!
Lucas:nice job swift
Penny:i did it to
Lucas:now we have to go home bye chosen ones!
Penny:oh....bye guys!
Luna:hey! Wait for me babe(lucas)
Penny:oh they're dating
Penny:oh well let's go back
-then they went to bed-

If you don't know how they teleported they learned it from luna and lucas.

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