chapter 25

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Speedy:oh hi penny!Where were you?
Penny:kelp icers
Brody:oh yeah
Penny:oh hey swift! Where were you when we woke up you were gone
Swift:oh i was ma-uhh flying around big swirl *nervous laughter*
Swift:ok,uh penny can you leave hq for a minute I need to talk with the others privately
Swift:so close
Bea:to close for comfort
Speedy:ok so swift has to keep penny out from hq today and keep penny out from hidden beach Tomorrow
Brody:ok speedy let's go take care of the decorations
Speedy:I think we have some in the back room
Swift & Brody:back room?
Bea:yup we used to store supplies there
Bea:and I'll ask Ronda if she can bake cakes and cupcakes or something else
Swift:ok,bye! Tell rod about the plan to when he comes back*flys to where penny came out from*
Brody:bye swift!
Bea & speedy:bye!
-with penny
Penny:I wonder what they are talking about.. I'll just wait
Swift:hey penny!
Penny:ahh!Swift u scared me
Swift:oops sorry
Penny:it's ok but let's go bad
Swift:nope!*covers door*
Penny:uh swift?
Swift:uhhhh let's go somewhere
Penny:how about training?
Swift: speedy said,day off today
Penny:tellll me
Swift no
Swift:wanna go to the other dimension?
-at the other dimension
Me:to be continued
Muahaha cliff hanger also.I don't think the back room even exists I just made it up ok byeeeeee

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