chapter 12

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Na:sorry if this story is so long.....i just can never run out of ideas..
-pennys and Swifts necklaces glow making them to wake up-
Penny:*yawn*huh?-looks at necklace-oh looks like luna needs me!*telepots*
Swift:wakes up*why is it so bright?ohhhh um*telepots*

-at the other dimension-

Luna:hey guys/chosen ones
Swift:can you pls just call us by our names?
Luna:sure swift
Penny:so.....why do you need us?
Lucas:*poofs out of nowhere*
Because um this part of the dimension is being attacked.
Penny:but why us? You can defeat them right.....?
Lucas:well we used to... when you 2 found the necklace, our powers became yours
Swift:but didn't the island said that when you disappeared your powers was transferred to the necklace.....?so you can't use them.?
Luna:well...we have ways ;)
Swift:btw what attackers are we handling?
Lucas:oh righttttt they are the demons with axe's
Penny: like those?*pointing*
Lucas:ok!*tps them*
Swift:huh?!where are we?
Lucas :we're at me and my gf's hideout
Swift:wait dosen't that mean sh-
Luna:i'm here*pants*
Lucas: BABE!are you ok?!
Luna:i'm fine *covered in cuts and bruises*
Penny:omg luna!?
Swift:what do we do?!
Luna:chilll did you forget that you can heal?.
Penny:ooooh right*heals*
Lucas:thank goddddd
Swift:soooo what's the plan?
Luna:i know!lucas don't you remember that they love ice cream?
Lucas:uhhh yes
Luna:how about we-
*To be continued*
XD bye!

swift x penny :the other dimensionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora