Chapter 5

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Harry stared at the burning city. This was chaos. Complete and total chaos. Fire raged everywhere. People ran screaming. To think that Ciel's story ended with this of all things. The boy had a knack for spreading chaos without even meaning to.

He had kept himself updated on Ciel's vengeance fuelled quest. The boy was remarkably intelligent. Truly, if this is what he could accomplish at 13, he delighted in imagining what sort of chaos he could sow as an adult.

Sadly, the interesting story was drawing to a close. The angel, Angela, who had killed his parents was being killed by Sebastian, as informants had told him the demon was called. She would die soon; she was no match for a demon of Sebastian's caliber.

He considered what to do once this was over. Sebastian would finally eat Ciel's soul. It would be his last chance to approach the demon. While he had kept himself updated on Ciel's progress, he had not personally seen Ciel or Sebastian since the night at Ventur's house. He was sure that Sebastian knew he had watched the entire story pan out, though. If Sebastian had any interest in him he would come to him.

It was decided. He would wait and see if Sebastian would approach him. If he didn't the demon wasn't interested. He would be disappointed if such a thing were to occur, but it wasn't like the world would be ending.

So decided, he sat on the roof, far from the flames, and continued watching the city of London burn. The flames were mesmerizing. They flickered and twisted through the air in a perverse sort of dance.

He had no idea how long he sat there staring at the flames. Eventually, they died out, and the screams were replaced by the wails of the injured. The scent of burned flesh and wood was heavy in the air. He could smell the souls, too, filled with so much pitiful terror. He felt no satisfaction from the smells or sounds, but rather a cold indifference. Many people may be dead, half of London may be burned to the ground, but humanity would go on. To these people it seemed like the end of the world, but it wasn't. This event was but a drop in the bucket.

He was disturbed from his ruminations by a sudden displacement of air behind him, and smirked. So it was mutual after all.

"You decided to come then?"

"How could I not? A delightful creature such as yourself..." Sebastian was suddenly in front of him, his face very close to Harry's own.

"What is your name, little demon?" he purred. Harry's breath hitched slightly at the tone, and from the smirk on Sebastian's face he had noticed.


Sebastian cocked his head, his eyes boring into Harry's own. "And here I thought it was Pravus." Harry shrugged. "I don't like people knowing my actual name." What went unsaid was he had already trusted Sebastian with the information. The demon smiled. "I can understand that sentiment."

A demon's true name could be used by humans to summon them. This fact gave them an instinctual aversion to sharing their true name.

"You realize, Harry, that this is the start of my courting?" His eyes sparkled slightly, and Harry could sense he was anticipating this. Harry looked down and started fiddling with his hands, reluctant to say he knew next to nothing about demon mating habits. He had no idea what this would entail.

Sebastian seemed to understand this after a moment, for he chuckled. "Demons have life mates, Harry. We do not take a partner lightly, because when we do, it is for our entire life. Demons are immortal, so that is quite a long time."

Harry's brow furrowed slightly. "We barely know each other though...why would you already be courting me then?"

Sebastian seemed amused. "Harry, have you truly felt a stirring of lust or passion for someone since you became a demon?" Harry considered it for a moment. He had tried sex, yes, but mainly out of curiosity. It had been rather lacking so he had simply thought not to do it anymore. When he had been human, he was too young to feel much of anything, then, either. He shook his head. "No. Not until I saw you."

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