Chapter 11

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I've given up trying to guess which chapter will be the real start of the drama. This thing is writing itself now. This is actually a much longer story than I was going to make it originally.

Now, I've had questions about the amulet Harry found in chapter two-three-ish. Some may have noticed its reappearance not too long ago. The amulet may or may not be plot related later. I put it in in the beginning to leave myself a story arc if i wanted to insert one about the amulet. I put its reappearance a few chapters ago to keep the option to myself open to put in a story arc. I don't know yet if I'll pursue it. It may just stay in that Gringotts vault with no reappearance for the rest of the story. Who knows? I certainly don't.

Also, on the whole 'there was no interaction with Tom' bit...Harry already taught one Dark Lord. Actually having him shape another Dark Lord would have been a bit of a stretch. Beyond that, there will certainly be interaction between Harry, Seb, and adult-sane Voldemort later on.

"Pravus!" Dippet's voice called, and he sighed, not exactly wanting to talk to the idiot of a Headmaster. Still, he obligingly turned, pasting a polite smile onto his face. "Yes, Headmaster?"

"You told me not long ago you may resign from your post. I was wondering if you still intended to do so?"

Harry considered for a moment that he did resign. No. He had no intention of doing so. That would just create more boredom. At least teaching was something to do to while away the years until the fun started. "No. I decided to continue teaching. Why?"

"Why, Tom Riddle expressed an interest in the Defense the Dark Arts Post. I was simply wondering if you were resigning, as he would be a good teacher, don't you think? Such a bright young man..." He walked off, and Harry didn't even consider the inherent rudeness of the action. It seemed Riddle was still resentful of his refusal to take him on as his apprentice, and had attempted to take his job.

He doubted Riddle would succeed. A strange person he might be known as, but he was also known as a very good teacher. It would take a lot before Dippet would fire him and replace him with Riddle.

Harry stared, not really knowing how to feel. Here, in front of him, was his mother and father. He had dimly realized in some part of his mind that they were not actually dead, and were going to attend Hogwarts, putting them on a collision course with him, but he had not consciously realized it.

His eyes took in green eyes, red hair, and a childishly round face. Messy black hair with hazel eyes covered by glasses with a similarly childish face. He looked around, and noticed the amber eyed and brown haired Remus, with the shaggy, black haired Sirius next to him. The sniveling Peter was in the back corner of the room, seemingly attempting to escape notice of everyone in it.

He waited a moment for some kind of emotion, anything, and shrugged inwardly when none was forthcoming. He felt nothing looking at these children, his future parents though they may be. Of course, the fact that they were here gave him a chance to look into how exactly he had become a demon. Until now he had been clueless, as there had been no way to check. With their arrival, however, it would be easy enough to check the Potter and Evans family histories.

His mother was a so-called muggleborn, so it would make sense if the gene had come from her side. Magic did not simply appear, so it was likely she was descended from a squib cast from a pureblood family. In that family perhaps there was a demonic ancestor.

Of course, to check all of this, he would need to convince the girl to take a Lineage Potion. The potion was actually rather painful, as it required a large amount of the person's blood, and at this point she was too young to give up that much blood without dying.

He had no intention of killing his mother and essentially killing himself just to sate his curiosity.

Clearing away all of these thoughts, he entered the classroom from where he had been observing, unseen by the children chattering away and waiting for class to start.

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