Chapter one :

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My mouth fell open as I saw the curvaceous girl in front of me. She was in a pair of black yoga pants, and an off the shoulder pink sweater. She wasn't the type of girl I usually went for but she was hot. I looked her body up and down, starting from her face, which seemed flawless. She had a few freckles across her nose and cheeks, but I thought they were cute. My eyes moved down, skimming over her chest, and her stomach until I got down to her butt. Which completely put me in a trans. I completely forgot I was staring at it until she said something.

"Can I help you?" I looked back up and walked inside. "Oh I'm Travis, your uh." She looked at me with an eyebrow raised "Stepbrother?" I nodded and scratched the back of my neck, "So I guess were gonna be going to the same school, so you know if you need me to show you around or something I can." She nodded and went back to placing her clothes in her drawers.

I didn't know if I should stay and get to know her, I mean she is my step-sister or if I should just go. So I just kinda awkwardly rocked on my heels back a and fourth until she noticed me. Again.

"Yes Travis?" I walked in further and sat down on her bed, there wasn't much on it considering everything was pretty much put away in drawers. "Uh how was college in Seattle?" She sat down next to me tucking one of her legs under her butt, "It was fine. I missed Florida though, it's like the rain never stops in Seattle." She chuckled.

I smiled and looked at her again, studying her face. She was a really beautiful girl, I mean if she was my type I'd be all over it. Maybe you need to try something new? No. Why not? Because.. She's not my type, she's older. Oh! And she's my stepsister! I rolled my eyes at myself and continued to study her. Her body was really something else, I mean I don't think I've ever seen curves like hers. My hands just wanted to roam her body and caress every inch. Stop it. I groaned and ran my hand through my hair.

"Are you okay?" I looked at her, my eyes flickering from her eyes to her lips. "Y-Yeah. I'm uh, I'm gonna go to my room. It's just across the hall if you need anything." She nodded and smiled. I stood up leaving her room and walking straight into mine.


We were all sitting down at the table. It was weird I mean I had never really had family dinners before. My dad was never around and when he was, he was either yelling at me and Max or trying to hit my mom. He was never a good dad, good role-model, good anything. The day my mom filed for divorce and left my dad was probably the best day ever. She looked so happy, like she did when me and max were younger, and now seeing her with Mark, she's happy everyday. I smiled at my mom and Nicki, who now had pasta sauce all over her face.

"So Travis, what were you majoring in again?" Mark asked while wiping his mouth, "Oh chemistry, I want to be a doctor." He smiled and nodded considering he was a doctor I'm sure he was pleased. He pointed over to Madison, "Madison is talking psychology. She wants to be a therapist." He said rolling his eyes. I looked over at her and smiled "That's cool. I took a physiology class my senior year, it was pretty cool."

"Yeah I like it. I just wish my dad accepted what I wanted to be." She said staring at her dad, Mark shook his head and sighed, continuing to eat.

There was small talk here and there but not much, it was still a nice silence, Max and Rose were probably they most talkative.

After dinner my mom had Madison put Nicki to bed and I went to my room, which I was currently in staring at the ceiling. I looked over at the clock and noticed it was almost 10. Was it really 10 already? It seemed like that day has just breezed by.

I looked back at the ceiling and closed my eyes, and slowly drifted to sleep.

"Travis." She whimpered as I sucked on her neck. We we're on the couch, and she was on my lap in nothing but t-shirt. My hands were sliding up her thighs, and resting on her hips.

Her hands in my hair as my lips were still attached to her neck. Her moans were filling the room and only causing me to want her more. My lips moved up her neck, to her jaw, chin and then to her lips. She moaned, which made it easy for me to slip my tongue inside. Our mouths moved in sync, like they were molded for us to kiss.

She started to rock her hips, and grind against me which caused me to groan. I lifted up her shirt and-

Beep Beep Beep.

I groaned and turned over hitting my alarm clock. I rubbed my hands over my face and sat up on my elbows, I looked down at my crotch and sighed. It's gonna be a long Monday.


Yay! First official chapter! Kinda short I know, but I'm writing on my phone and I wanted to update so... Anyways hopefully you guys like it! So comment if you have any questions, concerns, or comments lol and vote if you liked it! Love youuuu!

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