[8] Peter and Tony

96 5 23

They are so freaking cute.

I'm still crying so hard, they deserved better!

We don't need to talk about the hug bc we all know this was the most adorable part of the movie. Tony looking at Peter like he's seeing the universe for the first time was so incredible I can't-

And Peter calling him Tony AHHHH

He looked so broke, Pepper had to pull him away from his mentor...

I thought I could get over this soon but when I saw the ffh trailer I started crying and I'm still sobbing.

"everywhere I go I see his face" and his red eyes-

oh my chuck this is too much


did you start crying/screaming etc when they hugged?
[me: maybeeeeeeeeee...]

did you break your friend's wrist?
[me: maaaaaayyyybeeeeee...]

are you hyped for ffh?
[me: OMG YES!]

the best father-son-duo ever are...

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