painful moments of Endgame

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- the old marvel logo coming up

- "I lost the kid"

- Tony's "I needed you" speech to Steve (they honestly sounded like a divorce couple) and Steve just standing there and taking it

- Tony ripping out his arc reactor and shoving it into Steve's hands

- Thor cutting of Thanos head and his expression when he said "I went for the head"

- Natasha and Clint fighting over who dies

- the platonic forehead-to-forehead touch of my favourite assassin couple because we need platonic friendships between males and females representation okay

- Natasha's "it's okay"

- how wrecked Clint looked while grasping the soul stone

- how wrecked the team was after Natasha's death and omg Thor's denial

- that entire scene of Tony dying - Tony's "pep...", Peter's "nonono mr stark... we won... Tony...", Pepper's "you can rest now" and Steve crying

- "I love you 3000"

- the funeral scene and Harley being there

- Bucky instantly knowing that Steve wasn't coming back

- the OG6 end credits


feel free to add more.

Imma go cry in the corner alone... goodbye

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