Far From Home

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Guys have you seen the new trailer?

I am: D E A D

It made me cry, scream and awe at the same time.

But Tom the spoilerman warning us about spoilers was hilarious!

Peter crying was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen. Damn he misses Tony so much. I'm pretty sure if Tony knew how Peter is suffering he wouldn't have done the snap.

But I loved his sassy scenes! Him making fun of the security guys and setting Nick Fury on voicemail was cute and wow!

Wait how many spidey suits does he have?
1. The ironspider suit
2. His old suit
3. His suit from homecoming
4. A new suit which looks like the one from homecoming but with black
5. A black one
The fuck?

Is he becoming a new ironman or sth? If this happens I'll scream! He was also wearing Tony's glasses.

And MJ just knew he's spiderman I laughed so hard.

I think ffh will be much more serious than homecoming... I'm sobbing again.

What are your thoughts on this movie?

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