[3] Peter Parker

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Skdbsjsbdshsh he was so damn cute!

His hair looked so fluffy and his smile omg!

He kept talking so much hahahah I was wondering how Thanos survived  that long.

The way he fought was so adorable - Tom Holland deserves an Oscar for cuteness.

But he hadn't had much screen time... I was a bit disappointed.


on a scale of 1 to 10 - how adorable was Peter?
[me: 12!]

Spiderman Far From Home will be the last movie of phase 3, not Avengers Endgame. I'm scared about what's going to happen. Do you think Peter Parker will be important in phase 4?
[me: maybe he'll be trained by S.H.I.E.L.D. (Nick Fury) and gets his own team of young superheroes.]

There'll be more chapters about Peter soon (Peter + Tony and Peter + Carol) ;)

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