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Bat Cave

"Remind me again why I agreed to this?"  The voice of Jason Todd grumbled.

"Something about mabey getting a cute girl-" Tim was cut off.

"Yeah, yeah I didn't really mean for you to answer it, dummy."  Jason growled at the younger.  Tim only shrugged in response before facing the camera.

Dick rolled his eyes before flashing his signature Grayson smile.  "Hey there!  Welcome to the Bat Brothers Q & A!"  He greeted.  "This program was set up for no reason besides the fact that we were bored."  He stated with a smirk.

"Tt."  Damian scoffed.  "This is a waste of my time."  He stated.  His arms were crossed, and his usual, younger Bruce like scowl on his face.

"Aaaanyyy whooo."  Dick waved his hand dismissively. 

Tim chuckled a little.  He seemed nervous around the camera, which he was.  "Go ahead and send us any quiestions you would like answered.  Such as,"  he paused, and looked at Jason. 

Jason sighed, getting the message that it was his turn.  "Who's the best fighter.  How old are you.  Ever been heartbroken.  Ever been dumped.  Ever been killed..."

"O-KAY.  Byeeeeeeeee!"  Dick interrupted before it could get worse.  While exclaiming his long 'bye' he covered the camera lens with his hand, and turned it off.

Right, y'all get the gist, right?  Yay.  This is just a past time for me lol.  Anyways, like the boys said, message or comment some thing, and it will be answered by which ever bat bro you chose to ask.

Quiestions may involve one bat bro, two, three, or four.  It's not limited lol. 


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