Jason & Dick

270 13 16

Christelightlavo asked/said

"Dick, do you know who Red X is? Jason, you love your family, don't You? I know you do."


The camera switched on, and focused onto the two boys standing there. Both wearing t shirts a sweats. J asons shirt was red, and Dicks blue.

"Well, if you already knew, then why did you ask?" Jason said, being a smart mouth. He earned a elbow in the stomach from the older brother beside him, who only smiled sweetly for the camera.

"Oof! Gugh... may, fine... I like them sometimes." Jason supplied, rubbing his soar stomach and shooting a glare at Dick. "Now, isn't one of em'." He growled.

Dick shot a look at him, one saying he was tempted to elbow the younger brother again, but didn't. He looked back to the camera, still annoyed, but about something else.

"No. I don't. I also never got the suit back. So it's still on my to do list." He informed.

Jason's arms were now at his side, as he stared at Dick. His lips in a thin line, trying to suppress a smile. "About that..." He said, with a slight lift of his left hand.

Dick looked over to him in confusion. Jason opened his mouth to go on, but closed it, then opened it again. "The suit looked much better on him."

Dick just had a dead panned expression. "Seriously?" He said flatly. To which Jason shrugged. Dick sighed and left, his form leaving the frame.


Jason looked back at the camera, with a smirk. "Seriously, I looked hot in that suit." He stated.

Dick is gonna kill you. Then you'll really be hot, hot with pain. You never helped me with Damian last time, so don't be calling for me when he finds you.


He then pulled out a X rang. "Better luck next time, Dickie Bird." He said slyly.

Your digging a grave for yourself. Your so screwed.


With that, the camera faded to black.


Then, something else appeared on screen. It was another video. The camera was shaking, as the person filming was running.


Thuds and crashes could be heard in the background. Finally, the person came to a stop. The camera was shifted, and a glimpse of a smirking Tim to show he was filming.

Another thud was heard, along with grunting and shouts. Finally, the camera settled and focused to show Dick had Jason on the ground in a tight head lock.

"The heck do you think you were doing!? Where is the suit? Why did you do all that!? Jason, you friggin piece of crap!!"

"I'm so glad Alfred has a no cursing rule, cause I don't think even I could handle the cursing that Grayson would release upon Todd." Damian said, as he stood beside Tim, and was barely in the frame of the camera.

"No crap." Tim snickered.

More shouts were heard as the camera faded black again.


Anything you wanna ask? Comment!

Also, I'm to lazy to proof read.


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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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