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Quiestion for Dick, from

"Dick, during your time with Deathstroke, as his apprentice, what was it like? Does your brothers, and Bruce know?"


Dick appeared in the camera frame wearing a white T and sweats.  He seemed nervous, which he was.  It was a touchy subject for him.  He released a sigh, before he began to answer and explain.

"Being Slades apprentice... It wasn't what most would expect."  He stated. 

"Yes, training was brutal.  I was constantly forced to practice, obey, steal, so on. But that wasn't what was hard..."  Dick paused. 

"I've had physical trials before, no biggy.  What was hard was his mind games."  Dick said.  "He knew everything about me, and constantly reminded me of it.  At that time, I had anger issues due to the fight with Bruce, having my name stolen, and then Jasons death."  He explained.

"Slade knew it all.  He knew my weak points, and insecurities.  He sent small prods to them.  Never hard blows, but enough to make you just about quiestion your sanity."  Dick informed.

"He knew everything, but I knew nothing.  I hated it, and he relished it.  Slade was something I was afraid to become."  Dick paused.

"It sucked." He chuckled a little.

"I came out of it all favoring my left arm, and new scares, mental and physical."  Dick concluded.

"Jason knows." He stated, with a flippant wave of his hand.  "He actually helped me deal with Slade later on when he tried again.  So that was... fun." 

"Not!"  Jason yelled from behind the camera, causing Dick to laugh.  "Yeeeaaah.  Not really."

"Damian also knows."  Dick continued.  "I keep him out of it all..."  Dick paused again.  "That's all I can say...  Damian made me promise not to tell anything else."

Damian comforts Dick :)

"Tim knows, I also keep him out of it."  Dick moved on.  "Bruce doesn't... least I think..."  Dick frowned.

"I do."  A dark voice called. 

"Frick."  Dick sighed.  "A chat?" 

"Very over due." 


The camera faded.


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