he's back

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Yoongi,I think you know that he's back now.
I was surprised too
I followed you home-I mean to your home but the front door is locked.
I left my spare key at my bag in my place

Yoongi,I'm sorry,I'm sorry for using you.
Using you to forget about Jeongguk,I hope that you will forgive me.

I hate to admit it but,all the times that we spend together again made me so happy and I hoped that it would never end.
But it did,because he's back,and I still love him.

Or,do i?

Is it just the same with you?
I thought I love you again but,no.
All the feelings were gone from the start.

Maybe I still love Jeongguk,maybe not.
I felt the butterflies again when he hugged me,I will be honest,I felt the same with you but not the same feelings towards you.

Jeongguk said sorry and promised me that he would never leave me again.
Yes,we're back together now.

Yoongi,are you there?
Well,me and Gguk is going to America this weekend.
Hope to see you before we leave.
Take care Yoongs.
Read 11:10 p.m.

oops,what did i just write?

i feel like i want a sad ending but i can't make yoongi lonely

well,i'm just going to follow the flow now.

texts from ex Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora