together forever

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Hoseok read the text that Yoongi sent, he followed the instruction that Yoongi told him.

His eyes went big when he saw the man he's been looking, he's dressed in  a formal attire and he's holding a bouquet of flowers. Their friends are behind him too, big smiles on their face.

He scanned the place, it's beautifully decorated. There's heart-shape balloons, red roses and some letter shape balloons that read out 'Marry Me'.

Hoseok read it once again as tears escaped his beautiful eyes, He didn't notice that Yoongi was in front of him until he wiped away his tears.

Yoongi smiled with his signature gummy smile and gave Hoseok the bouquet. Hoseok gladly took it and giggled.

Yoongi started to talk,"You know Hoseok, you're really beautiful." He knelt down in front of the said man. "We've been through a lot of things, good and bad, easy and hard. Through sadness and pain, we stayed together. We spend a lot of laughter together, a lot of  happy and memorable moments. I want to keep making more memories with you." Hoseok's tears started to flow even more, "You're the strongest man I know, you keep me up every time I'm down. Every single thing you do is beautiful." Yoongi took out the velvet ring box and opened it in front of his lover.

"Hoseok, will you marry me?" Yoongi popped the question, Hoseok smiled and answered, "Yes, I will marry you."

Yoongi smiled as he stood up and put on the ring in Hoseok's left ring finger. He hugged him tight and kissed the man's forehead.

Happy tears flowed as they look into each other's eyes, hearing the sounds of the waves and the cheers of their friends.

"Together forever, yeah?" Hoseok asked him, "Together forever." Yoongi answered as their lips connected together.

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