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Alec couldn’t deny that the man in front of him was incredible good looking but he could already tell by the way this guy dressed that he was nothing else than a total fuckboy. He wore dark blue jeans with a white shirt and this jacket that looked like it was out of leather but if you took a closer look you could see it wasn’t leather. His hair was styled perfectly and the slight smirk on his face showed Alec that he got caught while checking him out so he cleared his throat. “What did you want to say, Handsome?” the guy asked and Alec rolled his eyes not having any of this flirty attitude but he had to say something about this guy was charming.  “If I ever propose to a girl call the jungle and tell them bananas will grow straight now.” Alec answered the question of the man hoping he would leave after it but today the luck wasn’t on his side and satan really wanted to play with him today. “That’s just great, I´m Magnus by the way.” The man replied with a boxy grin that actually looked pretty adorable but that was just their trick and Alec wasn´t that dumb to not get that. “And I´m not interested so you can go back to your friends back there and tell them you had no success.” Alec snapped turning back to the bar and rolled his eyes before he took another sip of his drink. “Wow someone is sassy today…I guess he didn’t say yes.” Magnus seemed to not be the guy that gave up so easily and even Alec wasn’t in the mood right now for flirts he had to admit that deep down in his chest it made him feel better. Magnus walked in the bar tonight with actually no intentions because he just wanted to celebrate his new project with his friends but when he saw this man with this beautiful blue business suite he just couldn’t resist. There was something about that guy that attracted Magnus in a way not many people did so fare in his life and he really wanted to get to know him better. “Oh he did…isn’t it obvious?”  Alec asked bitterly feeling anger rise in him when he thought about Lex and this guy that ruined everything with just one night. But Alec couldn’t even be sure that it was just this one time because now he couldn’t trust Lex anymore and he would never be able to trust him again after this. “Okay…bad question. What happened?” Magnus asked taking a seat next to Alec on a bar chair and Alec sighed before he looked with a weak smile at Magnus. Magnus heart felt this weird feeling when he saw how upset these beautiful hazel eyes were but he didn’t know what this feeling was meaning so he shook it off. “Why don’t you just go to your fuckboy gang and leave me alone so I can drown in self-pity?” Alec didn’t want to be rude and usually he wouldn’t talk with strangers like that but right now he wasn’t in for this shit so he would have done anything to make this guy leave. “Wowowo who said I´m a fuckboy?” Magnus asked offended and placed a hand on his heart trying to seem hurt by it which actually caused Alec to laugh slightly but only because of the bad acting skills. “I can read people pretty well…let´s see. Your blond friend who is on his phone has an argument with his girlfriend and now she won´t answer his calls. The dark blond one with the drink in his hand is totally into the blackhaird girl next to the redhead and you are a hopeless case. You have probably a good job and get paid really well but there is this emptiness in your chest that no matter how hard you try to fill will always remind you of the one thing you will never have…happiness.” Alec answered his voice never chaning the tone which left Magnus pretty speechless and he needed a few seconds to process the words that were just thrown at his head. “Wow that was deep.” Magnus only commented but if he was serious that scared him a little because Alec said nothing more than the total truth.  “Thanks…I trained that my whole life. Now leave and try to fill this deep empty hole with another meaning less one nightstand.” Alec had no clue why this Magnus guy just wouldn’t get that he wanted him to leave on the other hand it was quiet nice to know that a guy as good looking as Magnus tried to get him. It quiet pushed up his lost self-confidents after tonight because even Alec tried to blame it all on Lex he also thought a huge part was his fault and another huge part thought that maybe he just wasn’t good enough for a great man like Lex…//tbc Bitch who isn't good enough for who? 👀👀👀💕 tell me what you think about it❤

Alecs outfit

Magnus outfit

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Magnus outfit

Magnus outfit

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