Love is like Swimming

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“Now tell me.” Magnus said or well more demanded while taking a spoon full of raspberry ice cream and Alec grimaced in disgust when he saw how Magnus seemed to like that ice cream. “What…you don’t like ice cream?” Magnus asked a little confused feeling how the ice cream melted on his tongue and Alec shook his head. “I do like ice cream but I don’t like raspberry ice cream…it's too sweet.” Alec explained still having this disgusted look on his face and Magnus frowned a little before he shrugged and took another spoon full of ice cream waiting for Alec to start talking. “Okay so where do I start. I was 16 when I and Lex, my ex boyfriend, started dating after we were friends for a year. It was a fairy trail from the beginning…we went on dates…he even changed the college for me because he couldn’t bear to be away from me. When we were both done with college we got a job and moved in our first apartment. Due to my job I have to go on a lot of trips but I thought our relationship was strong enough and it was…for a few years. I was on a business trip for the last 3 weeks and I thought that after ten years we were ready. I thought we were finally ready for the next step and wanted to surprise him with coming home sooner but he surprised me way more with a another man in our damn bedroom.” Alec wasn’t getting upset while he talked about it pretty rushed to be honest but he was getting angry the more he thought about Lex and this other man. Magnus was glued to each word that left Alecs lips and he couldn’t believe that there was a man who cheated on a man like Alec. “Give me that ice cream.” Alec said ripping the ice cream out of Magnus hand and taking a big spoon of it because he really needed sugar right now and Magnus was silent for a few more minutes. “He is a dick…and an idiot. You should hate him.” Magnus answered feeling really bad for Alec but when Alec looked at him with this weak smile he felt this pang in his heart and he just wanted to hug him. “I try to…but how should I hate someone I love for so long already? You think you have this plan for your life and you think everything will be fine but then something happens that totally kicks you out of line. I didn’t only lose my boyfriend…I lost my best friend, my apartment…I lost my life.” Alec answered with a broken voice and gave Magnus his ice cream back who really wanted to punch this guy in the face. “You think like that now but you will see. You will find someone better…someone who treats you like you deserve it and you will see that you aren’t the one who lost something. Life isn’t fair and it is really a pain in the ass but where would we be if we would just give up every time life gets rough? You´re only what? 25? You are handsome and seem to be a really great guy…guys will kill for you.” Magnus looked in the stars while he tried to comfort Alec with his words and Alec realized that Magnus was right but he was still processing everything of tonight. “Actually I´m 26. I´m just worried…I have been with only one guy my whole life and I only loved this one guy…what if I forgot how it all works?” Alec had no idea why it felt so right and easy to open up to Magnus but something about Magnus made him feel really comfortable. “You´re scared that you just got used to it? Are you scared that you forgot how to love?” Magnus asked finally looking at Alec again and Alecs heart was beating pretty fast when he saw the beautiful brown eyes sparkling in the dark. Alec was only able to nod scared that his voice wouldn’t work and the slight smile Magnus flashed him before he looked back into the sky gave him this weird feeling in his chest he didn’t feel for years. “Love is like swimming…you will never forget how to do it. You can be scared all you want and you can hide yourself from the world but one day you will meet this one person and you are ready to risk it again. When you meet this one person you will forget about all the pain and heartbreak your heart had to feel because you know this love will be worth it. It´s like you’re jumping from a cliff and while your head says you will fall your heart will whisper you can fly.” Magnus use of words really impressed Alec and he could sit there all night listing to him…//tbc I hope you like it and there are only 3 chapters left by the way❤

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