Mental Disorder?

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“Isn´t that illegal?” Alec asked with a frown on his face and Magnus rolled his eyes a little but a smile was drawn on his lips but he was a little happy that Alec had no idea who he was. “You really care about the law? Just forget about it tonight.” Magnus answered even he knew that they didn’t break the law but he wanted to see how much fun you could have with an actually serious looking guy like Alec. “Okay…but if the cops catch us remember, you are deaf and I don’t speak english.” Alec said with a little smile giving Magnus this warm and fuzzy feeling in his chest again and Magnus chuckled. “Good plan…let´s get up there.” Magnus suggested starting to climb up the fire stairs to a really high building and with no other hesitation Alec followed the man that seemed to save the night. “What are we even doing here?” Alec asked a little out of breath because of the huge stairs and Magnus turned his head to him flashing him a mysterious smile. “You will see when we are there.” Magnus replied jumping up the stairs like it was nothing and Alec had to admit this guy was really interesting. “Welcome to the best view of New York.” Magnus said when they finally reached the top of the building and Alec looked stunned around because Magnus was right, this was the best view you could have. “Wow…that´s damn beautiful.” Alec exclaimed his eyes glued to the skyline but Magnus didn’t looked at the skyline he was watching Alec with a light smile. “The view is really beautiful.” Magnus agreed but when Alec turned his head to look at Magnus he realized Magnus meant him as the view and a slight blush creeped its way up to his face. “Don’t try to flirt with me…I won´t let you get in my pants.” Alec groaned a little but instead of taking it in a rude way Magnus thought this reaction was rather adorable and he had to laugh. “Don’t worry, Alexander…if I wanted to get in your pants I wouldn’t have brought you here.” Magnus answered walking to the edge of the roof and Alec followed him with a not really convinced frown on his forehead. “So... you gonna tell me what happened?” Magnus asked after both looked at the skyline for a few seconds and Alec felt how he wasn’t as drunk as a few minutes ago but he still felt a little lightheaded. “Why should I tell a total stranger about my life?” Alec asked not even daring to look at Magnus who was so damn close by the way and their hands were only inches away…not that Alec cared. “Talking helps and on the other hand…I deserve to know what made someone let go such a pretty face. You look really handsome so either the guy who declined you proposal is a total dick or you, my Dear have really bad mental disorder.” Magnus answered making Alec not sure if he should feel flattered or totally insulted by the use of Magnus words but the more he thought about it the more he didn’t care. “Fine…pack out a blanket this will be a long story.” Alec sighed not really caring anymore about talking with a total stranger and Magnus whole face lit up when Alec finally opened up a bit. “Wait here…5 minutes.” Magnus exclaimed running off like a 5 year old child on christmas and Alec was left a little dumbfounded but he had to say Magnus reaction was pretty cute. Alec did what Magnus told him and watched the streets of New York which were still really busy but that was usual because New York never sleeps.  “Come…” Alec startled a bit when Magnus was suddenly there again and just grabbed his hand pulling him back to the center of the roof. Ale gasped a little when he saw what was there now and he had no idea how Magnus got this all up here in just 5 minutes. There was a damn mattress on the ground with many pillows and two blankets looking really comfortable. “How the heck did you get that here?” Alec asked stunned for another time this night and he had to smile a bit because of all the effort Magnus seemed to put in this. “Doesn’t matter…just sit down and eat ice cream with me.” Magnus answered taking out ice cream from behind his back and Alec let out a slight laugh. This man surprised Alec more than Lex surprised him in the last 10 years ever did and Magnus was really charming if Alec was honest…//Tbc he is really charming huh?😏😌❤

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