Trust me

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Magnus saw how the handsome guy stumbled out of the bar and left it but unlike usual Magnus cared about the state this man was in. Magnus had this odd feeling in his chest that was nothing else than worry but why should he worry for a guy he didn’t even know the name? He debated for a few moments with himself before he got up from his barchair and quickly made his way to the door but his friends stopped him. “Hei…where are you going?” Rafael asked with a confused look and Magnus tried to find a good excuse in the next two seconds. “I forgot to feed the cat…I´ll see you tomorrow guys.” Magnus lied which if you didn’t realize yet wasn´t his best property but he didn’t really care about it right now and he would always have the chance to explain it later. As he stepped out of the bar he looked around in the dark alley feeling the cold air on his skin but he couldn’t see the handsome guy instead he heard someone crying. Finally he saw a small figure not far away sitting on the ground and he could hear how the person was crying which made his heart drop a bit. Magnus walked slowly to the person and lowered down on the same level as the crying person that didn’t seem to hear him and he carefully laid a hand on the persons shoulder. The person still flinched by the sudden touch and snapped his eyes open but he relaxed when he saw that it was only Magnus and now Magnus could clearly see it was the handsome guy from the bar. Magnus felt anger in his chest that someone out there really had it to hurt this young man that much and he would actually like to punch that bitch in the face but first he wanted to magic a smile back into the young mans face. “What are you doing?” Alec sniffed duo to the alcohol he didn’t even care that he was crying in front of a stranger and Magnus flashed him a warm smile that did this weird thing to Alecs heart. “Come on…let´s get somewhere better.” Magnus answered the question not really and got up from the ground reaching out a hand for Alec who frowned. “I´m not gonna kill you…just trust me.” Magnus answered and Alec rolled his eyes that this guy just told him to trust him after what happened but then he thought just screw it. He could sit here and drown in his sadness or he could get up and waste some more time with this pretty guy right in front of him so he guessed option number two was a good one. Alec finally took Magnus offer but as their hands touched both felt this little spark between them and both of them stared at each other for a second. Alec got up quickly letting go of Magnus hand again after he stood on his own feet and Magnus could still feel Alecs touch.  “What´s your name between?” Magnus asked starting to feel awkward because of the silence that took over and Alec cleared his throat suddenly feeling a little shy in the presence of this pretty guy. “Alec…Al-ec Lightwood.” Alec answered facepalming him-self mentally for stuttering but that only made Magnus laugh softly and there was again this weird feeling inside Alecs chest when he heard that beautiful laugh. “Is Alec the short form for Alexander?” Magnus asked while he smiled warmly at Alec who whipped his last tears from his cheek and nobbed but he didn’t like his full name to be honest that’s why he always said his short form. “Well then Alexander, follow me.” Magnus commanded before he started to walk and Alec stood there a little dumbfounded when he heard  his full name coming out of Magnus lips. “What is it? Are you coming or what?” Magnus asked turning around and looked pretty much confused at the other man who shook his head a little. “Yeah…where are we going?” Alec asked while he followed Magnus out of the alley and Magnus turned his head cracking a slight smirk. “You will see…okay that sounded scarier than it should but I promise it won´t be anything bad.” Magnus answered looking a little confused by the sound of his own words and that made Alec smile a little even the smile didn’t reach his eyes but it was a good start. The old Alec would have never gone with a stranger anywhere but tonight Alec locked the old Alec in the closet and just wanted to have a good few hours before he had to face reality again…//tbc where could they go🤔🤔❤

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