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【Ralof POV】

When I saw the blinded prisoner come to senses I pulled his blindfold down from his eyes so he could atleast see. Sad i couldn't do the same for ulfric he was gagged in a pecuilar way such that only way to remove his gag was to cut it. The prisoner glared at me and the sheer strength his eyes was enough for me to look away I talked to the prisoner to my right to take my mind off the blood lust emanating from those eyes.

He looked pecuilar because of his hair; it was pale beyond compare in some places and Raven black at some others not only that but they were thick and longer than Ulfric. Though his complexion was like any other nord,his eyes were azure blue , his lips thin and his hair was braided multiple times, a symbol that his lover and he shared times alone talking and not indulging each other as in nord love stories of old. He seemed particularly young to have so much blood lust in his eyes. He had a lean body his arms didn't look so well developed but his fingers were thick and long. He had a bag slung on his back that had somehow embedded to his skin. He had mask on his face so his features below his nose were not particularly visible. But his anger was all but apparent.

I continued talking to Lokir the prisoner beside me to take my attention off the boy who hald somewhat calmed down seeing my uniform. and was looking around,Then the carriage stopped.

"This can't be happening, we are not stormcloaks you should tell them." Lokir said to me.Seriously I was getting irritated with his rants. " Face your death with courage horse thief". The boy got down behind me but instead of walking down the carriage he jumped down. only then I saw his legs. They were well muscled and tied with a small rope such that they only allowed freedom of walking.

"Get in line and answer to your name." ,the Imperial captain shouted.

Hadvar, an old friend of mine in Imperial armour started calling out names. Lokir tried to run off but was killed by archers.

Finally it was my turn as Hadvar said, "Ralof of Riverwood."

But I saw that that was end of list.

"You, prisoner in rags come forward. What is your name?"

"Shiva Strom-Bow",The boy retorted," Tell me scum why did you kill Miniel and captured the rest ? Did she really need to die? We were going to College of Winterhold. We were travellers who were poisoned in middle of road and robbed naked. How were we expected to know about this war that you were fighting and that the nords who helped us were your enemies? We met and as a token of thanks I sang them a song. We were merely resting when you killed Miniel in her sleep. Kill me when you have a chance else the Empire will pay thousandfold for my friend's death in blood."

His voice was calm and they had remived his mask to reveal an extremely handsome face. Hadvar said "Captain his name is not on list, What shall we do?"

"That boy killed ten soldiers with just knives,I believe his threat, Forget the list he goes to the block" The captain retorted angrily.

I heard a roar when one of our soldiers was beheaded, it was deafening. Next was the boy," Priestess I don't pray to divines of Imperial pantheon. I am nothing like these foolish Nords. Let me pray for myself. Mother , Kyne, Shor and Ysmir forgive me for I let rage consume me and for I am not felled in battle. I just hope Moonshadow is open for me. If only I had more time.I bid farewell to this mortal fold. Thank you Ulfric for providing me with clothing and food for free.Good bye"

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