True colours

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Shiva climbed the stairs wearing fine clothes that Danica had given him. These clothes were very tight and uncomfortable for the boy as it had embroidery and padding but that's what made it uncomfortable and he preferred his normal clothes but Danica insisted he wear this. Wear this set she said, the red it is beautiful and goes quite well with your eyes she said, well guess what? This thing is itchy beyond compare and its as if my brain wants me to tear out my flesh. Shiva was climbing the stairs to Dragonsreach when he was pushed aside by a female nord who was rushing to Dragonsreach. She spit an apology and rushed ahead, not seeing that Shiva slipped and fell into the adjoining pool. He swam out and then again walked up the stairs.Wow now that changed it to a bit more comfortable cloth. I need to thank that lady. I like the cold and the wetness Well if I meet her again... He opened the door and went in.She was standing right beside the door. He looked at her and said," Thanks my lady if not for your accident I never would have broken into this cloth if you had not caused the acvident"

He slowly waljed up to the Jarl who asked, " Tell me boy why are you so wet"

"Well my Jarl the injuries make me very tired. And I slipped."

" Ok boy now time for serious talk. I denominate you a thane of Whiterun. I assign you Lydia ,my neice as personal housecarl. Now for real tell me What do you want with your life."

"My goals are a secret my Jarl but if we get to crux of it it's basically old school revenge."Shiva replied in a serious tone.

" Son you can get your revenge whenever you want but for now you must know that you may be Dragonborn, the only person capable of killing a dragon permanently by absorbing its soul.I don't know the details but please go and see the Greybeards, they live up in High Hrothgar and do take your housecarl with you. The path is dangerous And you are weakened from your last fight.Did I mention that its above a mountain and you have to climb 7000 steps to reach it. And that's your punishment for not returning safe to your Jarl,Don't worry your mining operation will be done properly and the profit will be safe with me till you come."

What am I your son now? You talk like my father did when I was a child, but you do have a point, I can take revenge any time, if I have a destiny, I must complete it. If not for my sake then for sake of my friends back at Riverwood, and this Jarl. And I think jenassa deserves a reward and rest.

Shiva replied,"Thank you,My jarl. But I would like to have a seven days rest for my fingers to heal and body to recover. Also I need to cure the poison that My body has been inflicted with so I have to go meet Lami at Morthal. Can I take my Housecarl with me there? Also I would like you to pay Jenassa 1000 septims after she recovers. Saying that I thank her and that her service is over, and provide her access to my bed in Bannered mare."

"Ok boy, take a carriage to Morthal. Cure yourself then take some rest and then you better be off to Ivarstead. You have a destiny my child, to be greater than any man alive. Don't be blinded by rage my child. I can see that you have an emotional outlook, Use it to do good for your people because Skyrim is now your land too"

Damn that old man making me emotional like this how can I say no to him.Okay I will go to Morthal, then after some rest to Ivarstead. I will protect this land from dragons if need be, for after I sold off everything in Cyrodiil and left it due to my he accepted me, knowing that according to Imperial law that he follows I still am a criminal.He even made me a thane of his hold.This city is now my city. I will not let any harm befall it...

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