Chapter 1

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The young man ran his hand through his black hair, ruffling it frustratingly until it was messy.

He had been sitting at his desk for hours looking over the same documents for days on end.

A client came to him recently with a special case. But the more he looked into it, the less he found. No evidence. No leads. No witnesses.

"I should just tell her her son is dead. The police aren't even looking for this kid."

The well-dressed man spoke out softly. Letting himself lean back in his chair, he huffed a loud sigh into the cramped room.

"Where are you? Kim Namjoon." He read the name of the person pinned to the board in the corner of the room.

Case number 110: Kim Namjoon

Missing persons cases were always the hardest. Especially since no one came here unless they were really desperate to find them. But this one was particularly odd.

The raven-haired looked over at the time on his phone;


A warming smile replaced the tired frown from before almost immediately. He got up and grabbed his suit jacket, locking the door on his way out.

A sleek, dark brown sign hung outside the door frame, engraved with gold writing:

Private Investigator Jeon Jungkook.


On the other end of the city, a young man with light-coloured hair strut casually out of a colossal building.

A bag slung over his shoulder, while keeping a loose hold on the strap with one hand and a laptop clutched in the other.

The soles of his shoes grated against the stone staircase with every step.

Department of Psychology for the University of Seoul

It was the leading research department of the country.

"It's the best!" The young, blonde student had exclaimed excitedly when he started studying there a year earlier.

He looked around the area once he reached the bottom of the steps. The air was fresh and a warm breeze whistled through the evening.

A black car pulled up hastily in front of the young man as he was about to take another step.

The hasty driver rolled down the window, smiling apologetically at the student.

"You could've driven me over."  The blonde spoke with little enthusiasm, but the minuscule smile that spread across his features softened his tone toward the young man sitting in the car.

"M'sorry."  The driver smiled sheepishly.

"Good thing you came right as my lectures finished, Jungkook." The student said as he opened the passenger door to the car.

Jimin and Jungkook have been friends since they're freshman year in high school. Albeit not getting along at first, Jungkook kept following the older boy around persistently.

They originally enrolled in university together as well, but it didn't last long until Jungkook was drawn to a different path; fighting crime.

The black-haired boy put the car in gear and sped off the campus parking lot, his smile beaming wider than before.

"Wanna get something to eat, Jimin?" The younger asked.

"No, thanks. I had a long day I really just wanna sleep."

"You always seem tired after your lectures, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about me. Just a lot of theory to get through." Jimin huffed tiredly, closing his eyes to lean his head against the seat of the car.

"And that's exactly why I quit psychology!" The university drop-out, Jeon Jungkook, ran his mouth proudly.

"Pfft! Jungkook you failed your exams." The young student let out a mix between a scoff and a laugh, shooting down his friend's built up ego.

"Whatever. You know you could partner with me. It's easier than sitting exams and late night lectures." The black-haired male suggested cheerily.

Jimin smiled briefly at the idea.

The younger of the two looked over at his best friend sitting next to him, a pleasant warmth filling him gradually.

"Yeah and chase the bad guys with you as well, I suppose..."

Jungkook shifted his attention to the steering wheel, his expectant smile falling, already knowing what Jimin is about to say next.

"Koo, you know that life isn't for me." Jimin opened one of his eyes to look at the black-haired boy focuisng on the road out in front of them.

"Yeah..." The younger sighed, and yet his heart can't help but beat faster when Jimin talks to him with that affectionate nickname.

"How's your case coming along, by the way?" The tired blonde shifted in his seat, leaning his head against the headrest again.

"You know I can't tell you. I could if you partnered-"

"Jungkook." Jimin reprimanded.

"Fine. But I still can't tell you."

"You usually only say that when you don't know what to do, so I'm gonna assume you're stuck."

"Mhmm." The younger only hummed in response, keeping his eyes fixed on the road. 

It was true after all. He was completely lost. It was his high school best friend, he told him everything, but he didn't want to seem incompetent in front of Jimin, so he never talked to him when he was stuck on a case. he made it a personal rule to never get Jimin involved in his cases. Especially since the older had made it clear, on multiple occasions, that he doesn't like that sort of lifestyle anyways.

They arrived at Jimin's house a few minutes later. The older exited the car sluggishly, pulling his laptop with a heavy drag.

"Bye. Eat something and don't overwork yourself!"

"Yeah, thanks. Bye, koo."

The dark-haired male drove off smiling after seeing Jimin enter his apartment.

He slumped himself on his cushioned bed, closing his eyes immediately and letting a restful sleep wash over him.

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